Solal, Isabelle and Kaisa Snellman. Women Don’t Mean Business? Gender penalty in Board Composition. Organization Science. 30(6) 1270-1288, 2019.
Silva, Jennifer M. and Kaisa Snellman. Salvation or Safety Net? Converging Aspirations and Diverging Narratives of “College” among Working- and Middle-Class Young Adults. Social Forces. 97 (2) 559-582, 2018.
Snellman, Kaisa, Jennifer M. Silva, Carl B. Frederick, and Robert D. Putnam. The Engagement Gap: Social Mobility and Extracurricular Participation among American Youth. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science. 657(1) 194-207, 2015.Featured in The Atlantic: “The Activity Gap,” by Alia Wong, January 30, 2015; Bloomberg Business, “Split in Fortunes Stalks U.S. Schoolchildren,” January 15, 2015; and The Washington Monthly, “The Education Gap Extends to Extracurricular Activities, Too,” February 5, 2015.
Frederick, Carl B., Kaisa Snellman, and Robert D. Putnam. Racial composition does not explain increasing class gaps in obesity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111 (22) E2238, 2014.
Frederick, Carl B., Kaisa Snellman, and Robert D. Putnam. Increasing socioeconomic disparities in adolescent obesity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111 (4) 1338-1342, 2014.
Featured in Associated Press, Business Insider, Business Week, Chicago Tribune, The Economist, Los Angeles Times, NBC, Washington Post, La Presse, Le Parisien, Le Matin, The Globe and the Mail, The Irish Times, International Business Times.
Colyvas, Jeannette A., Snellman, Kaisa, Bercovitz, Janet. and Feldman, Maryann. Disentangling effort and performance: a renewed look at gender differences in commercializing medical school research. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 37 (4), 478-489
Powell, Walter W. and Snellman, Kaisa. 2004. The Knowledge Economy. Annual Review of Sociology. 30, 199-220
Snellman, Kaisa and Tiina Vihtkari. 2003. Customer complaining behavior in technology-based service encounters. International Journal of Service Industry Management. 14 (2) 217-231.
Working papers
Snellman, Kaisa and Isabelle Solal. Does Investor Gender Matter for the Success of Female Entrepreneurs? Gender Homophily and the Stigma of Incompetence in Entrepreneurial Finance. Available at SSRN:
Huang, Sterling and Snellman, Kaisa and Vermaelen, Theo, Managerial Trustworthiness and Buybacks. European Corporate Governance Institute – Finance Working Paper 703/2020, Available at SSRN:
Snellman, Kaisa and Peter Younkin. Do Job Candidates Discriminate Minority Founders? Evidence from a Field Experiment?
Snellman, Kaisa, Linus Dahlander, Noah Askin, and Isabelle Solal. Intellectually diverse teams have lower odds of receiving funding
Snellman, Kaisa. Window-Dressers and Closet Conformists: Organizational decoupling revisited
Bodner, Julia, Andrew Shipilov, and Kaisa Snellman. The Effect of Employee Mobility on Post-Merger Performance
Solal, Isabelle and Kaisa Snellman. The B-Team: Stereotypes and Success for Gender-Diverse Teams
Reports, research letters, and book chapters
Robinson, Emily S. and Kaisa Snellman. 2016. Gender Gaps in Research Funding. Journal of the American Medical Association. 315(8) 821.
Putnam, Robert D., Carl B. Frederick, and Kaisa Snellman. 2012. Growing Class Gaps in Social Connectedness among American Youth, 1975-2009. Saguaro Seminar Research report. Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge: MA.
Snellman, Kaisa. 2007. Kansainväliset sijoittajat ja suomalaisen hallintomallin amerikkalaistuminen” (Foreign Ownership and the Americanization of the Finnish Corporate Governance Practices), in Suomalainen Johtajuus Puntarissa, edited by Risto Tainio. Helsinki. WSOY.
Work in progress
Ferguson, John-Paul and Kaisa Separated but Equal? Outsourcing, Pay, and Race. (data analysis in progress)
Knowlton, Karren, Mary-Hunter McDonnell and Kaisa Snellman. The Risks of Representation: Spillovers from Scandalized Clients (data analysis in progress)
Snellman, Kaisa, Isabelle Solal and Eric L. Uhlmann. Who pays the price for a box office bomb? Gender and career trajectories after team successes and failures. (data analysis in progress)
Sheprow, Elizabeth, Jennifer M. Silva and Kaisa Snellman. Working-class Narratives of the Self: How Work and (un)employment Shape Stories of the Self in an Age of Economic Uncertainty (data analysis in progress)
Kaisa Snellman
INSEAD Europe Campus
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex