INSEAD Accounting and Control faculty conduct scholarly research on a number of topics including: financial reporting; valuation; and management accounting, as well as various sub-topics within these categories. Our research is published in the leading academic journals, and our publications contributed to INSEAD being ranked as the number six school in the world by the Financial Times in terms of research output in 2016 (INSEAD was ranked as the number one overall MBA programme by the FT in 2016).

Colleagues from around the world present in our regularly scheduled workshops throughout the year. In addition, we hold the annual INSEAD Accounting Symposium (IAS) where invited faculty join us at either the Fontainebleau or Singapore campus for a two day programme of research presentations and fine dining.
Our faculty teach courses in financial and management accounting in the core curricula of MBA and EMBA programmes. We also teach electives in financial statement analysis; strategic cost management; and earnings quality analysis. We cover financial accounting and financial statement analysis in our Master in Finance programme. In addition, our faculty teach in INSEAD executive programmes, both on-campus and in virtual on-line offerings.