Explore Talent Profiles
INSEAD graduates bring global perspectives, diverse expertise, and exceptional skills. Elevate your talent acquisition strategy by exploring candidate profiles and discovering ways to connect with top talent ready to drive impact in your organisation today.
Access to World-Class Talent
Average Age3-8
Average Years of Work Experience1000+
Number of Students Two intakes: January & August38%
Average GMAT10
Months Programme DurationNote: Typical MBA Class Profile
Average Age0.8
Average Years of Working Experience38%
Months Programme Duration620-730
Average GMATNote: Typical MIM Class Profile
Average Age14
Average Years of Work Experience222
Number of Students15
Months Programme Duration55%
Outside Home CountryNote: Class profile for Global EMBA 2024 and Tsinghua-Executive MBA Programme (TIEMBA)
Average Age9.5
Average Years of Work Experience35
Number of Students18
Months Programme Duration6
Modules on CampusNote: Typical EMFin Class Profile
Alumni Worldwide180
Work Countries49
National Alumni Associations28,300+
MBA Alumni27,700+
Executive Education Alumni2,100+
EMBA Alumni1,100+
Other Programs AlumniRecruit With Ease on INSEAD’s Online Recruitment Portal
CareerGlobe enables you to:
- Browse CV’s of MBAs, MIMs, EMBA’s and Alumni
- Customise your CV search by nationality, language, work experience and sector preferences
- Post jobs and manage applications
- Create interview schedules
How to Recruit
Plan your Visit
To reserve your on campus recruitment dates, please follow these simple steps:
Step 1 Take a look at the Recruitment Calendar of the on-campus recruitment activities coming up. Email your interest in connecting with INSEAD talent to [email protected] Step 2 The Career Development Team will contact you to discuss the different recruiting activities coming up Step 3 The Career Development Centre will confirm your recruitment dates and work with you to ensure that the relevant logistics are put in place. Do take note of the Recruitment Policies -
Search talent
You can register for free on CareerGlobe – INSEAD’s online recruitment portal. This is an important recruitment tool, whether you are looking to hire MBAs, or MIM’s on or off campus, Executive MBA’s or Alumni.
For each MBA and MIM class we publish a CV e-Book which is released soon after they start their program. The EMBA CV e-book is also available for each class along with an opt-in CV e-Book for Alumni and recent graduates continuing their job search. Recruiters can use search capabilities within the CV e-Books such as previous work experience, including sector and function, educational background and languages spoken.
Post a job
At any time during the year, descriptions of career opportunities (full-time positions, projects or internships) can be posted on our user-friendly website CareerGlobe, free of charge. Viewed by all MBA and MIM students, Executive MBAs and Alumni, those interested will apply to your job postings.
How to hire current MBA's and MIM's, EMBA's and Alumni
Step 1: Register on CareerGlobe Step 2: Post your jobs online and, once validated by the CDC Team, they will be open to the relevant INSEAD participants / alumni for application. Step 3: Manage your job posting and subsequent applications. You will receive applications from our participants and alumni directly on CareerGlobe, your email or website depending on your choice of application method set up while creating your job posting.
Plan your Visit
To reserve your on campus recruitment dates, please follow these simple steps:
Step 1 | Take a look at the Recruitment Calendar of the on-campus recruitment activities coming up. Email your interest in connecting with INSEAD talent to [email protected] |
Step 2 | The Career Development Team will contact you to discuss the different recruiting activities coming up |
Step 3 | The Career Development Centre will confirm your recruitment dates and work with you to ensure that the relevant logistics are put in place. Do take note of the Recruitment Policies |
Search talent
You can register for free on CareerGlobe – INSEAD’s online recruitment portal. This is an important recruitment tool, whether you are looking to hire MBAs, or MIM’s on or off campus, Executive MBA’s or Alumni. For each MBA and MIM class we publish a CV e-Book which is released soon after they start their program. The EMBA CV e-book is also available for each class along with an opt-in CV e-Book for Alumni and recent graduates continuing their job search. Recruiters can use search capabilities within the CV e-Books such as previous work experience, including sector and function, educational background and languages spoken. |
Post a job
At any time during the year, descriptions of career opportunities (full-time positions, projects or internships) can be posted on our user-friendly website CareerGlobe, free of charge. Viewed by all MBA and MIM students, Executive MBAs and Alumni, those interested will apply to your job postings.
How to hire current MBA's and MIM's, EMBA's and Alumni
Step 1: | Register on CareerGlobe |
Step 2: | Post your jobs online and, once validated by the CDC Team, they will be open to the relevant INSEAD participants / alumni for application. |
Step 3: | Manage your job posting and subsequent applications. You will receive applications from our participants and alumni directly on CareerGlobe, your email or website depending on your choice of application method set up while creating your job posting. |
Ways to Engage With INSEAD Talent
You will find below a selection of ways to interact with our Talent pool
On-campus Recruitment
- Company Events
We can help advise you on the ideal recruiting format for your organisation. For regular recruiters with an established recruiting programme at INSEAD, we offer the possibility of holding a 30-minute presentation including Q&A focusing on your organisation’s vision, culture, possible career paths, and hiring process. These presentations are generally followed by a networking cocktail reception, with interviews held 2 to 3 weeks later.
- Pitch & Networking
The Pitch & Networking event provides an option for you to participate in a multi-sector event with a limited number of organisations, enabling you to interact with students over a two-hour period. It is a great opportunity to really get to know students and share more about your organisation and career paths all within an exclusive setting.
For all company events on campus we recommend that, wherever possible you include INSEAD Alumni as part of your recruiting team, we have seen from experience that they make a powerful impact and the students appreciate hearing from them.
- Tech Symposium 2024 – Asia Campus
The Symposium will bring tech enterprises together to network and share insights into emerging technologies and trends. The event will also be an opportunity to share valuable career insights and paths across the tech industry with INSEAD students from all cohorts.
- Coffee Chats
Hosting a coffee chat provides an opportunity for the company representative to have an informal conversation with a small group of students, giving both parties an opportunity to connect and network. The session can be conducted in-person or virtually.
- On-Campus Interviews
Face-to-face interviews can be scheduled in our interview rooms on the Asia and Europe campuses. Students who are studying on an exchange campus are able to join interviews via online tools.
Virtual Career Fair and Workshops
- Virtual Career Fair
The Virtual Career Fair is part of the structured Recruitment Campaign programmed for students in the April and October. The event includes companies from locations across the globe to come together in this virtual space to connect and network with INSEAD students. The Event format provides each company to deliver a 15-20 minute presentation followed by networking in Virtual Break-Out Rooms.
- Workshops
This activity represent an excellent opportunity to help students develop skills that could eventually benefit your organisation. Past topics have included presentation skills, case interview techniques and finance interview preparation.
Student Club Activities
Our students have created a variety of sector-specific clubs, including consulting, private equity, consumer & luxury goods, healthcare, energy, entrepreneurship and Social Impact. Working with the clubs on their various events enables you to efficiently target and network with groups of motivated students. List of Business Clubs.
Career treks enable students to meet with established and emerging business leaders in their offices and attend networking events. It is most of the time about discovering an industry or a company, and to ask questions about how it works and what your company is all about.
These usually take the form of discussions on careers in specific industries or functions, or on issues such as women in business. Three to four speakers are generally invited to share their experience with our participants.
The Employer Engagement Specialists can facilitate connections between company representatives and members of the student clubs.
Offer a Project / Internship
Organisations hiring INSEAD MBA / MIM's for projects or internships can benefit from highly-motivated, self-starting individuals with excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, who are culturally sensitive and multi-lingual. This option gives companies an opportunity to evaluate potential full-time talent, as well as increase the visibility of their corporate brand at INSEAD.