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Other Ways to Give

Bank Transfer
King Baudouin Foundation
Bank Details:
Banque de la Poste
Address: rue des Colonies (P28), B-1000 Brussels
Account No: 000-0000004-04
BE10 0000 0000 0404

Please indicate TGE INSEAD + GIFT DESIGNATION + CLASS YEAR on your bank transfer form
Direct Debit Form

This form allows donors based in Belgium to set up a Standing Order with INSEAD.

Download the form

Bank Transfer
Fondation Canadienne de l’INSEAD
Bank Details:
National Bank of Canada
Address: 600 rue de la Gauchetière Ouest; 28ème étage
Montreal, QC H3B 4L3
Account: 2842125
Swift code: MT103

Please indicate YOUR GIFT DESIGNATION + CLASS YEAR on your bank transfer form
Payable to:
Fondation Canadienne de l’INSEAD
Edith Bourgeois
2814 rue Lepailleur
Montreal, QC, H1L 6G2
Matching Gift

Does your employer offer a matching gift programme ?

Gifts of securities

Canadians can now donate marketable securities and, if interested, should contact Paul G. Smith MBA ‘95J, President Fondation Canadienne de l'INSEAD, at [email protected]

Bank Transfer
Fondation INSEAD
Bank Details:
HSBC; Address: C/o HSBC Continental Europe, 38 avenue Kléber 75116 Paris FRANCE
Bank code: 30056
Office code: 00277
Account #: 02775405440
Rib key: 35

Please indicate YOUR GIFT DESIGNATION + CLASS YEAR at the bottom of the payment slip.
FR76 3005 6002 7702 7754 0544 035
Payable to:
Fondation INSEAD
INSEAD Gift Team; Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Direct Debit Form

This form allows donors based in SEPA(a)(b) countries to set up a direct debit with INSEAD.

Download the form

(a) Single European Payments Area (SEPA)
(b) Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland1, France2, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal3, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia , Slovenia, Spain4, Sweden.

(1) Including Aland Islands
(2) Including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin (French part), Réunion and Saint Pierre and Miquelon
(3) Including Azores and Madeira
(4) Including Canary Islands and Ceuta en Melilla

Bank Transfer
INSEAD Stiftung
Bank Details:
Commerzbank AG, Essen
Account #: 126 0264 00

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
DE73 3604 0039 0126 0264 00
Payable to:
Mareike Andresen
DZS - Deutsche Stiftungszentrum
im Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Regionalbüro Hamburg
Neuer Wall 9, 20354 Hamburg
Direct Debit Form

This form allows donors based in SEPA(a)(b) countries to set up a direct debit with INSEAD.

Download the form 

(a) Single European Payments Area (SEPA)
(b) Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland1, France2, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal3, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia , Slovenia, Spain4, Sweden.

(1) Including Aland Islands
(2) Including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin (French part), Réunion and Saint Pierre and Miquelon
(3) Including Azores and Madeira
(4) Including Canary Islands and Ceuta en Melilla

Bank Transfer
INSEAD (Hong Kong) Fund Limited
Bank Details:
DBS Bank; Address: 16th Floor, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Swift code: DHBKHKHH
Bank code: 016
Branch code: 478
HK$ account: 783249049
Multi-currency account: 788608683

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
Payable to:
INSEAD (Hong Kong) Fund Limited
1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
Singapore 138676
Attention: Amanda Lim, Advancement Co-ordinator
Bank Transfer
Fondo Filantropico Italiano
Bank Details:
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
Branch 55000,
Account #: 10000 0155 347
Swift code: BCITITMM

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
IT04 B030 6909 6061 0000 0155 347

Only for your first gift to Fondo Filantropico Italiano please provide us with:

Codice Fiscale: ______________ (for a personal gift)   /   Partita IVA: _________________ (for a company gift)

Payable to:
Fondo Filantropico Italiano
Eleanora Cattaneo
Foro Buonaparte 44
20121 Milano
Bank Transfer
Fondation INSEAD
Bank Details:
Address: C/o HSBC Continental Europe, 38 avenue Kléber 75116 Paris, FRANCE
Bank code: 30056
Office code: 00277
Account #: 02775405440
Rib key: 35
Swift code: CCFRFRPP

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
FR76 3005 6002 7702 7754 0544 035
Payable to:
Fondation INSEAD
INSEAD Gift Team
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Direct Debit Form

This form allows donors based in SEPA(a)(b) countries to set up a direct debit with INSEAD.

Download the form

(a) Single European Payments Area (SEPA)
(b) Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland1, France2, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal3, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia , Slovenia, Spain4, Sweden.

(1) Including Aland Islands
(2) Including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin (French part), Réunion and Saint Pierre and Miquelon
(3) Including Azores and Madeira
(4) Including Canary Islands and Ceuta en Melilla

Bank Transfer
Stichting INSEAD Alumni Fund Netherlands, Middenlaan 3 1405 CD Bussum Nederland
Bank Details:

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
NL 67 RABO 0394 3111 24

If you are eligible for tax relief in the Netherlands, you can donate to Stichting INSEAD Alumni Fund Netherlands. Use the form below to set up an agreement for a minimum of five annual donations and benefit from tax deductions. For further information, please contact your tax advisor.

Download the form

Bank Transfer
Bank Details:
Singapore All Designations

The Development Bank of Singapore (DBS Bank)
Address: 12 Marina Boulevard, #43-00 DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Swift code: DBSSSGSG
SGD account: 0039363621
EUR Account : 0003-017521-01-0
Bank code: 7171
Branch code: 003

Please indicate YOUR GIFT DESIGNATION + CLASS YEAR on your bank transfer

Tax Information for Singapore Trust

The INSEAD (Singapore) Trust is the Institution of Public Character (IPC) for INSEAD. While we welcome all gifts to the school, the Singapore government has mandated that only gifts made to the Singapore Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships (MBA, EMBA, Master in Management) to Singapore citizens and permanent residents, may qualify for a 250% tax benefit. All other gifts will not receive a tax benefit.

For the moment, gifts to the Singapore Scholarship Fund cannot be made online, but can be fulfilled through a donation form.

To support the INSEAD Singapore Scholarship Fund, download and complete this form, and return it to us via one of the following options:

Email: [email protected]

Tax Information for Singapore

While we welcome all gifts to the school, the Singapore government has mandated that only gifts made to the Singapore Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships (MBA, EMBA, Master in Management, etc) to Singapore citizens and permanent residents, may qualify for a 250% tax benefit. All other gifts will not receive a tax benefit.

For any questions, please email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Payable to:
1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
Singapore 138676
Attention: Amanda Lim, Advancement Coordinator
Matching Gift

Does your employer offer a matching gift programme ?

Bank Transfer
Bank Details:
Singapore All Designations

The Development Bank of Singapore (DBS Bank)
Address: 12 Marina Boulevard, #43-00 DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Swift code: DBSSSGSG
SGD account: 0039363621
Bank code: 7171
Branch code: 003

Please contact INSEAD Gift Team at [email protected] to get bank details for the INSEAD Singapore Trust (Singapore Scholarship Only)

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.

Tax Information for Singapore Trust

The INSEAD (Singapore) Trust is the Institution of Public Character (IPC) for INSEAD. While we welcome all gifts to the school, the Singapore government has mandated that only gifts made to the Singapore Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships (MBA, EMBA, Master in Management) to Singapore citizens and permanent residents, may qualify for a 250% tax benefit. All other gifts will not receive a tax benefit.

For the moment, gifts to the Singapore Scholarship Fund cannot be made online, but can be fulfilled through a donation form.

To support the INSEAD Singapore Scholarship Fund, download and complete this form, and return it to us via one of the following options:

Email: [email protected]

Tax Information for Singapore

While we welcome all gifts to the school, the Singapore government has mandated that only gifts made to the Singapore Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships (MBA, EMBA, Master in Management, etc) to Singapore citizens and permanent residents, may qualify for a 250% tax benefit. All other gifts will not receive a tax benefit.

For any questions, please email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Payable to:
1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
Singapore 138676
Attention: Amanda Lim, Advancement Coordinator
Matching Gift

Does your employer offer a matching gift programme ?

Bank Transfer
Fundación Empresa y Sociedad (G 81 230 872)
Bank Details:
CBNK, Almagro 8, 28010 Madrid

Please indicate ‘Donación de [your NAME + GIFT DESIGNATION + CLASS] para INSEAD’ on your bank transfer form
ES43 0234 0001 0510 0384 7629

In order to provide you tax relief in Spain, we partner with TGE. The fees for doing so are 5% with a minimum of 50 euros per donation. Therefore, in order to maintain tax relief, but also to ensure INSEAD does not lose money from your generosity, we ask for a 500 euro minimum donation if using this method.
If no tax relief is required, please select "other countries" in Other ways to give

Only for your first gift to Fundación Empresa y Sociedad: please send to INSEAD Gift Processing Team via [email protected] a copy of your NIF/CIF or passport (document, not only the number). 

Bank Transfer
La Fondation Mondiale INSEAD (FMI)
Bank Details:
Crédit Suisse
Address: Place Bel-Air 2, Case postale, CH-1211 Genève 70 GE
Swift code: CRESCHZZ80A

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
IBAN CHF: CH73 0483 5293 8441 0100 0


IBAN EUR : CH39 0483 5293 8441 0200 0

IDE number : CHE-110.398.331

Bank Transfer
INSEAD Trust for European Management Education
Bank Details:
In Pounds Sterling

C/o Coutts & Co - 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS
Account No: 09780947, Sort code: 18-00-02
IBAN: GB96 COUT 1800 0209 7809 47

In Euros

C/o Coutts & Co - 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS
Account No: 00780952, Sort code: 18-00-91
IBAN: GB59 COUT 1800 9100 7809 52

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
Payable to:
INSEAD Trust for European Management Education
INSEAD Gift Team
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Matching Gift

Does your employer offer a matching gift programme ?

Direct Debit Form

This form allows donors based in the UK to set up a direct debit with INSEAD.

Bank Transfer
Bank Details:
Please send an email to IMEF Support Team: [email protected] to receive the bank details and also copy [email protected]

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
Payable to:
Insead Management Education Foundation
PO Box 15
Armonk, NY 10504
Matching Gift

Does your employer offer a matching gift programme ?

Bank Transfer
Fondation INSEAD
Bank Details:
Address: C/o HSBC Continental Europe, 38 avenue Kléber 75116 Paris, FRANCE
Bank code: 30056
Office code: 00277
Account #: 02775405440
Rib key: 35
Swift code: CCFRFRPP

Please indicate your gift designation and class year on your bank transfer form.
FR76 3005 6002 7702 7754 0544 035
Payable to:
Fondation INSEAD
INSEAD Gift Team
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Matching Gift

Does your employer offer a matching gift programme ?

Direct Debit Form

This form allows donors based in SEPA(a)(b) countries to set up a direct debit with INSEAD.

(a) Single European Payments Area (SEPA)
(b) Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland1, France2, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands3, Norway, Poland, Portugal4, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia , Slovenia, Spain5, Sweden.

(1) Including Aland Islands
(2) Including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin (French part), Réunion and Saint Pierre and Miquelon
(3) Please note that our Direct Debits come to Fondation INSEAD, our French receiving entity. Therefore, if you wish to benefit from tax relief in the Netherlands we do not have a Direct Debit option. Please use this form
(4) Including Azores and Madeira
(5) Including Canary Islands and Ceuta en Melilla