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Academic Articles 

[Citation statistics available via Google Scholar]

Eliciting Supplier Cooperation for Value Chain Decarbonization: A Field Experiment with Smallholder Farmers in India (with Sukti Ghosh).

Activist Pressure and Firm Compliance with ESG Disclosure Policy: Experimental Evidence from the U.K. Modern Slavery Act (with Matthew Lee). [Winner of the Best Proposal Award (Stakeholder Strategy Interest Group), Strategic Management Society 2023 Annual Conference, Toronto.]

Community Influence on Microfinance Loan Defaults under Crisis Conditions: Evidence from Indian Demonetization (with Arzi Adbi & Matthew Lee). Strategic Management Journal 45(3), March 2024: 535-563. [Winner of Best Proposal Award for Globalization and Emerging Markets track and Finalist for GSJ Best Paper Award at SMS India 2018.] 

Up to No Good? Gender, Social Impact Work and Employee Promotions (with Christiane Bode & Michelle Rogan). Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1), March 2022: 82-130. [Short articles related to this research have appeared in Stanford Social Innovation Review and INSEAD Knowledge.]

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid (with Pushan Dutt & Arzi Adbi). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 16(1), March 2022: 3-11. [An earlier version of this paper has appeared with the same title in the Best Paper Proceedings of the 2019 Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston. Short articles related to this research have appeared in Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange and INSEAD Knowledge.]

Does Design Thinking Training Increase Creativity? Results from a Field Experiment with Middle-School Students (with Hayagreeva Rao & Phanish Puranam). Innovation: Organization & Management 24(2), 2022: 315-332. [A short article related to this research has appeared in INSEAD Knowledge.]

Women’s Disempowerment and Preferences for Skin Lightening Products that Reinforce Colorism: Experimental Evidence from India (with Arzi Adbi, Chirantan Chatterjee, Clarissa Cortland & Zoe Kinias). Psychology of Women Quarterly 45(2), June 2021: 178-193. [A short article related to this research has appeared in INSEAD Knowledge.]

Categorical Cognition and Outcome Efficiency in Impact Investing Decisions (with Matthew Lee & Arzi Adbi). Strategic Management Journal 41(1), January 2020: 86-107. [Winner of Best Proposal Award for CSR and Sustainability track at SMS India 2018. Short articles related to this research have appeared in Stanford Social Innovation Review Online and INSEAD Knowledge.]

Sustainable Cross-Sector Collaboration: Building a Global Platform for Social Impact (with Christiane Bode & Michelle Rogan). Academy of Management Discoveries (special issue on “Sustainable Development for a Better World”) 5(4), December 2019: 396-414. [For a summary of an earlier version of this paper in Stanford Social Innovation Review, click here.]

Philanthropic Campaigns and Customer Behavior: Field Experiments on an Online Taxi Booking Platform (with Nina Teng & Serguei Netessine). Management Science 65(2), February 2019: 913-932. [For a summary of this paper appearing at INSEAD Knowledge, click here. Nominated for the Best Paper Award at SMS 2016 Conference and the Carolyn Dexter Award at AOM 2016 Conference.]

Taking a Hit to Save the World? Employee Participation in a Corporate Social Initiative (with Christiane Bode). Strategic Management Journal 39(4), February 2018: 1003-1030. [For a summary of this paper appearing at INSEAD Knowledge, click here. For a strategy+business piece that features this paper, click here.]

Corporate Social Initiatives and Employee Retention (with Christiane Bode & Michelle Rogan). Organization Science 26(6), Nov-Dec 2015, pp. 1702-1720.
[For a summary of this paper appearing at INSEAD Knowledge, click here. An earlier version of this article appeared as “Deep Dive and Back: Social Impact Projects and Employee Retention” in Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 15437]

Regional Disadvantage? Employee Non-Compete Agreements and Brain Drain (with Matt Marx & Lee Fleming). Research Policy, 44(2), March 2015, pp 394-404. [For a summary of this paper appearing at INSEAD Knowledge, click here.]

Geographic Constraints on Knowledge Spillovers: Political Borders vs. Spatial Proximity (with Matt Marx). Management Science 59(9), September 2013, pp. 2056-2078. [For a summary of this paper appearing in MIT News, click here.]”

Not With My Own: Long-Term Effects of Cross-Country Collaboration on Subsidiary Innovation in Emerging Economies versus Advanced Economies (with Tufool Alnuami and Gerard George), Journal of Economic Geography 12(5), September 2012, pp. 943-968. [This paper was a finalist for the Best Paper Award at SMS Singapore Conference 2012.]

Recruiting for Ideas: How Firms Exploit the Prior Inventions of New Hires (with Ajay Agrawal), Management Science 57(1), January 2011, pp. 129-150.

The World is Not Small for Everyone: Inequity in Searching for Information in Organizations (with Morten Hansen and Joel Podolny), Management Science 56(9), September 2010, pp. 1415-1438. [To read a feature on this paper as appearing in Sloan Management Review (Spring 2008), click here]

Lone Inventors as Sources of Breakthroughs: Myth or Reality? (with Lee Fleming), Management Science 56(1), January 2010, pp. 41-56. [This paper was the runner-up for the 2015 Best Paper Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship papers published in INFORMS journals in 2010.]

Distributed R&D, Cross-Regional Knowledge Integration and Quality of Innovative OutputResearch Policy 37(1), February 2008, pp. 77-96. [This paper won the Best Paper Award at DRUID 2006 Conference and also the Haynes Best Paper Prize at the AIB 2005 meetings.]

Asymmetry of Knowledge Spillovers between MNCs and Host Country Firms, Journal of International Business Studies 38(5), September 2007, pp. 764-786. [An earlier version appeared as “Multinational Firms and Knowledge Diffusion: Evidence using Patent Citation Data” in D.H. Nagao (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the 2004 Meeting of the Academy of Management, and also won the Newman Best Paper Award that year for the Business Policy and Strategy Division.]

Science, Social Networks and Spillovers (with Olav Sorenson), Industry and Innovation, 14(2), May 2007, pp. 219-238.

Collaborative Networks as Determinants of Knowledge Diffusion Patterns Management Science 51(5), May 2005, pp. 756-770. [This paper was nominated by Thomson ScienceWatch as an “Emerging Research Fronts Paper” in Economics & Business in 2010 based on its 5-year citation impact]

Agency Costs in a Supply Chain with Demand Uncertainty and Price Competition (with V.G. Narayanan and Ananth Raman). Management Science 51(1), Jan 2005, pp. 120-132. [Click here for online supplement with detailed proofs not in the paper.]

The Effect of Repeated Interaction on Contract Choice: Evidence from Offshore Drilling (with Ken Corts). Journal Of Law, Economics & Organization 20(1), Spring 2004, pp. 230-260.

Technological Dynamism in Asia (with Ishtiaq P. Mahmood). Research Policy 32(6), June 2003, pp. 1032-1054


Jasjit Singh
Professor of Strategy
INSEAD Asia Campus
1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
Singapore 138676

Tel: +65 6799 5341

Assistant: Nadiah Abdul Razak
Tel: +65 6407 7149
Email: [email protected]