Content Overview
Mastering Self-Leadership: What is a life worth living for me?
This is an experiential session to go deep and raise the bar. We foster and nurture an alignment between our personal life and our professional life. We harness our power and collect our wisdom.
Global Dynamics: How do we make sense of this disrupted world?
Although rendering the future is nearly impossible to predict, a time of chaos is not devoid of order. Using structures and flows, we learn to discern the global dynamics that are shaping the environment in which business operates.
Strategic Dilemmas: How can we align the organisation, the world and ourselves?
We identify pathways to position our organisation to embrace systemic uncertainty and discover unexpected strategic opportunities. We create a space favourable to good surprises. Strategy becomes as much the choice of a destination as the expression of what is already there.
Decision & Paradoxes: How can we navigate a grey zone full of paradoxes?
We enter a world where the opposite of truth may be as true as the truth itself. We clarify possible cognitive polarities and learn to structure them with multiple perspectives and multi-layers. The absence of an absolute answer becomes an opportunity to lead with our own wisdom and in our own style.
My Wise Power in Action: How do I combine performance and meaning?
We harvest the learning of the workshop and integrate it into a concrete and inspiring strategic personal plan for the next years. This vision builds on who we already are as much as it brings in who we dream to become.