Upcoming Sessions
A unique forum exposing you to the very latest thinking and practice, with insights from experts working at the very forefront of AI
To learn more about INSEAD AI programmes, please contact the programme advisor.
AI is evolving at a speed that surprises even the world’s foremost experts, promising to transform our work, businesses and lives at scale and with continuous innovations. Keeping pace with the speed of innovation is an enormous challenge for leaders and organisations. What are the latest relevant discoveries, practices, solutions, opportunities, and risks for you? What are some emerging themes and trends? How do you harness the enormous productivity benefits that these new technologies can offer, while simultaneously navigating the potential new, and maybe still unknown, risks? How do you unlock new sources of value with the latest innovations, possibly leapfrogging and definitely not risking missing a train, while implementing the right protocols and procedures to protect your business?
To help you with these challenges, the INSEAD AI Executive Forum is a one-of-its-kind programme, with the aim of giving you unique insights into what is happening today—and tomorrow—in AI and Generative AI that matters for you and your business, and in a format that fits everyone’s busy schedule. You will explore the critical opportunities and risks of AI innovation across a breadth of business practices, focusing on current and future impact, while building on the core principles of decades of research and work in AI and business.
Participant Profile
The INSEAD AI Executive Forum is designed for executives who need to make sense of a fast-evolving innovation landscape. They are typically:
- Decision-makers from different industries who are very keen to understand the potential for AI in their organisation and within their own career and role
- Participants who are willing and ready to exchange perspectives and experience and to learn from peers
- Executives with 10+ years of experience, including C-suite leaders and regional CEOs.
How you benefit
Programme Director
Thought Leadership

Webinar: 7 May 2024

Webinar: 29 May 2024

Webinar: 12 June 2024

GenAI vs other techs: What’s different?

What All Tech Start-Ups Need to Succeed

Must AI Accuracy Come at the Cost of Comprehensibility?