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Centre for Organisational Research

Centre for Organisational Research

Our Mission

Andy Yap

Academic Director INSEAD Centre for Organisational Research Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Research is the core of what we do here at INSEAD. As a premier business school that provides world-class business education to leaders all over the world, it is paramount that the knowledge we impart to our students and clients is grounded in strong empirical science. But to conduct good organisational research, we need a strong partnership between organisational scientists and the business community.

COR’s mission is to facilitate the administration of innovative organisational science research at INSEAD. For our organisational scientists at INSEAD, we will provide recruitment, logistical, and advisory support if you seek to conduct research with the working-adult population in Singapore, and with organisations in Singapore and other parts of Asia.

For our industry and community partners, if you are currently employed and live in Singapore, COR would love to have you join our research community. We would welcome your contribution to...

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Andy Yap

Academic Director INSEAD Centre for Organisational Research Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Studies & Events


Interpersonal Interaction at the Workplace Study

Professor of Organisational Behaviour Roderick Swaab and PhD Student in Organisational Behaviour Kian Siong Tey 

A short survey on employees'  experience of specific interactions at the workplace.


Reflection on Workplace Experience Study

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Henrik Bresman

A series of surveys over 3 weeks to investigate perceptions about employees' workplace experience.


Social Experience and Workplace Interaction Studies

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Nadav Klein 

A series of once-off and multi-part studies to investigate perceptions about colleagues and workplace interactions.


Daily Observations of Working Adults

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Elizabeth Bailey Wolf

A multi-day study on the daily observations of working adults at the workplace over 2 weeks.


Social Experience and Workplace Interaction Studies

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Nadav Klein 

A series of once-off and multi-part studies to investigate perceptions about colleagues and workplace interactions.



2020 - 2022


Zoom Interactive Studies

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Ella Miron-Spektor

The purpose of this study is to examine individual's discussion behaviour on an online Zoom setting. Idea generation meetings often occur over Zoom between colleagues. Participants will participate in a 30 minute study to complete the Zoom-based task and survey about their study experience.

Written Professional Experiences

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Nadav Klein 

Everyday Social Interactions

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Nadav Klein

A series of studies where participants were tasked with recalling experiences experienced in their daily social interactions.

Written Professional Experiences

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Nadav Klein and PhD Student Kelly Nault

Leadership Decision-Making Task

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Andy Yap


Social Interactions at Work

PhD Student Kelly Nault and Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Andy Yap

This is a study about how relationships with coworkers can impact how we feel at work. In this study, participants were asked to think back to a specific time at their workplace and answer some questions about how that experience had made them feel.

Financial Advisors and Real Estate Agents Survey on Interaction and Emotions 

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Andy Yap and PhD Student Kelly Nault

Hiring Simulation Survey 

Professor of Organisational Behaviour Stefan Thau and Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Andy Yap

Workplace Flattery Survey 

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Nadav Klein


2015 - 2019


Perceptions of job applicants

Associate Professor Eric Luis Uhlmann
The purpose of this study is to examine negative questions in a job interview. Interviewers often ask applicants questions that require the applicant to say something negative about themselves. The research team has videotaped many job interviews and has excerpted instances of negative questions. You will read a transcript of the relevant portion of the interview and provide your first impressions of the applicant.


Responses to Social Interactions in the Workplace

PhD Student Kelly Nault and Assistant Professor Andy Yap
In this study, we explored participants' emotional reactions to social interactions in the workplace. Participants were asked to recall an interaction with a colleague and write about how they felt after interacting with this person.



Perceptions of situations at work

Associate Professor Andy Yap
In this study, we explored perceptions of others. Participants were asked to recall a memory of a leader/boss, then they answered a few questions regarding their recollection.


Study of reactions to business media

Associate Professor Zoe Kinias 
This study explored reactions to business media. Participants were asked to read a very short article and then they answered a few questions regarding their interests and what they have read.


Cognitive network structures in relation to job preferences

Associate Professor Eric Uhlmann
Assistant Professor Martin Schweinsberg of ESMT Berlin
In this study, we looked at what triggers activation of certain cognitive network structures in relation to job preferences.



Hiring: Evaluation of a candidate

Associate Professor Andy Yap
In this hiring simulation, participants were asked to read the CV of a prospective job candidate and listened to an audio conversation the candidate had with an HR assistant. Participants then evaluated the candidate.



Perceptions of social situations

Associate Professor Zoe Kinias


Study of personal experiences and company evaluations

Professor Stefan Thau