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Research guides - Finding industry information

General information


Marketline Advantage 
Search by industry name or browse sector headings. Or see 'Industry profiles' under the 'Analysis' tab.

Search by industry name or browse the 'All industries' list.

BMI (formerly FitchConnect)
Navigate to an industry then click 'Go', or select from 'Services & Industries' on the left. 
To refine the industry, filter using 'Advanced search' on the left.

Workspace - Aftermarket research Analyst reports with a financial focus. (In Research & Learning Hub only)
Type ADV RES (Advanced research) in the search bar, then search by industry code/keyword and specify "industry" as report type. 

Bloomberg (In Research & Learning Hub only)
Type BI (Business Intelligence), choose a sector from 'Equity/Industry', then see 'Research'.

INSEAD Research & Learning Hub book collection - For books on various industries
Located in the HC2000 section

See also :
o    US Trade Administration's Country commercial guides

Overviews - specific industries or countries

Euromonitor - Passport – For the consumer goods sector
Search by keyword, or select from the 'Industries' menu. Under 'Analysis' /'Explore Analysis', refine the sector and geography.

EMIS – For industries in emerging markets as well as global/regional
Search by keyword, or click on 'Markets' on the left-hand menu, then select an industry.

eMarketer - For digital markets, technologies, media and advertising
Search by keyword or browse the sector headings.

Pitchbook - For PE/VC-backed sectors
In 'Research Center', search by industry keyword.
Or in company search search by industry/vertical, then see the 'Overview' tab. Requires a personal login.

News and articles

Factiva - For newspapers and magazines
Type an industry keyword in the search box or use the industry index for precision.
Or in the subject index, expand 'Selection of top stories' then expand 'Suggested reading - Industry News'. 
Or select an industry under "Companies/Markets" at the top, then choose "News"

Business Source Complete – For magazines and practitioner/academic journals. 
Type the industry in the subject index or use the NAICS index for precision.
Or choose "Industry Profiles" in the 'Publication Type' menu.

See also specific news sources: Financial Times, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal.


Identifying companies in an Industry

Creating lists of companies by sector

S&P Capital IQ – Best interface for creating lists. 
Click on 'Screening' then 'Companies'. Under 'Company details' choose "Industry classification ", "Business description" or "Products". Requires a personal login.

Workspace (In Research & Learning Hub only)
Type 'screener' in the search bar to screen companies by various filters, including industry and geography. Save the list (or a selection) to a watchlist of portfolio.

Click on 'Companies', then 'Search' and 'Industry'

Preqin - For lists of private equity fund managers by industry 
Click on 'Fund managers' under Private Equity, then 'Advanced search'. Requires a group login.

Market share

Marketline Advantage – For a wide range of industries
Search by keyword, or select from the 'Sectors' menu. See 'Market segmentation' in the Industry profiles. 
Or see 'Industry Statistics' under 'Databases' then 'Segmentation'.

EMIS – For industries in emerging markets as well as global/regional
Search by keyword, or click on 'Markets' on the left-hand menu, then select an industry. In the Industry Profile, select 'Industry indicators'.

Euromonitor - Passport – For the consumer goods sector
Search by keyword, or select from the 'Industries' menu. Under 'Explore Statistics', refine the sector and select brand or company shares.
In an industry report, see 'Competitive landscape'.
In a market size table, see the coloured 'shares' icons in the table.

Statista - For quick data in chart format
Type the industry name in the search box, or find your industry under the top menus.

Bloomberg (In Research & Learning Hub only)
Type BI, choose a sector from 'Equity/Industry', then see 'Data library - Market share'.

Rankings by sector

Company rankings compiled by the Research & Learning Hub – For well-known lists from the business press.

Factiva - For rankings by industry
Select industry under "Companies/Markets", then select "Peer comparison"

S&P Capital IQ – For custom rankings based on financial criteria. 
Choose 'Sort by' and 'View' (rank) when adding a display column in Company Screening or Quick Screener. 
For investment bank league tables, click on 'Screening', then 'Transactions', then group search results by advisor.
Requires a personal login.

Workspace (In Research & Learning Hub only) 
Type 'screener' in the search bar to screen companies by various filters, including industry and geography. Filter the column to rank on, then choose 'Top/bottom'.
For investment bank league tables, type 'screener' in the search bar then choose 'Deals' in the universe and "M&A" in the asset class. Choose 'League tables' as the output report.

Bloomberg – For investment bank rankings. (In Research & Learning Hub only)

Preqin - For private equity league tables
Click on 'League Tables' under Private Equity 'Fund managers'. Requires a group login.

Industry statistics

Financial data

S&P Capital IQ
Under 'Markets' select 'Industries' or select 'Market analysis' then 'Industry'. Refine the industry, then see 'Key Stats & Ratios'.
Or, create a company list by industry under 'Screening' - 'Companies', then group results and customize display columns.
Requires a personal login.

Create a list by screening for the industry, then choose 'Aggregation' or 'Peer analysis' under 'Tools'. 

Workspace (In Research & Learning Hub only)
Type 'Industry' (INDUS code) in the search bar, select an industry, then see the 'Key Metrics' tile. 
Or, create a list by industry by typing 'screener' in the search bar and using the industry filters. 
In both cases, click on the 'Constituents' tab, select the 'Peer comparison' template and click 'Group' to aggregate the data.

Bloomberg (In Research & Learning Hub only)
Type BI, choose a sector from 'Equity/Industry', then see 'Data library - Valuation'.

Select an industry under 'Companies/Markets', then see 'Industry averages & ratios' under 'Industry snapshot'.

Preqin - For PE/VC activity and financial ratios by industry
Under 'Charts' click on 'Deal multiples', then select the sector.

Dealroom - For VC activity and financial ratios, by industry
Select 'Multiples' in menu, then select a vertical. Requires a personal login.

Pitchbook - For PE/VC activity by industry
In 'Research Center', search by industry keyword.
Or in company search search by industry/vertical, then see the 'Overview' tab. Requires a personal login.

See also:
o    Stern (NYU) data by A. Damodaran - For financial data by industry, including betas and cost of capital

Economic data

BMI (formerly FitchConnect)
Navigate to an industry then click 'Go', or select from 'Services & Industries' on the left. See 'Data & Forecasts'.
Or, for more detailed data items, see 'Industries' under 'Bulk data export' on the left.

Marketline Advantage 
Search by keyword, or select from the 'Sectors' menu. See 'Industry Data' section or go to 'Databases', then 'Industry Data'.

EMIS – For industries in emerging markets as well as global/regional
Search by keyword, or click on 'Markets' on the left-hand menu, then select an industry. In the Industry Profile, select 'Statistics'.

Euromonitor - Passport
Search by keyword, or select from the 'Industries' menu. Under 'Statistics' /'Explore Statistics', refine the sector and geography.

Bloomberg (In Research & Learning Hub only)
Type BI, choose a sector from 'Equity/Industry', then see 'Data library - Industry'.

Statista - Quick data in chart format 
Type the industry name in the search box, or find your industry under the top menus.

eMarketer - For digital markets, technologies, media and advertising
Search by keyword and choose 'Forecasts', or see 'Forecasts' and 'Industry KPIs' on the top menu.

See also:

  • UNCTAD - Trade data from the United Nations for merchandise, commodities as well as the information/creative economy.
  • UN Data - INDSTAT data or Commodity production and trade statistics from the United Nations.
  • OECDiLibrary - See industry under 'Indicators', or the STAN database under 'Statistics'.
  • Eurostat - European business statistics including production, value added and labour, by sector.

Industry associations

Association websites

Google, Bing, or your favourite search engine
Search industry name with "association", "federation" or "organization/organisation", along with a region or country.

Select an industry under 'Companies/Markets', then see 'Trade association web sites' under 'Industry snapshot'.