Finding SWOT Analysis in MarketLine
MarketLine offers and easy to use interface to retrieve SWOT analyses for over 2500 public and private companies, including some of the consulting firms. This video shows you how to search for one company’s report and how to export it as a PDF file.

Finding Wall Street Journal and Financial Times articles on a company
Factiva is a one stop shop for all your business news. It aggregates content from over 20K sources in 22 different languages. This video shows you how to find articles on one company from two leading publications. Results can be saved to PDF so you can consult your own press file any time before the interview.

Finding financials for a company
S&P Capital IQ provides multi-asset class financial for over 60K public companies and over 2 million private companies. This video shows you how to obtain financials for one company and how data can be exported to excel for further analysis.

Finding a five forces analysis for an industry
MarketLine’s industry profiles utilize the globally recognized Porter’s five forces analysis framework to evaluate the competitive pressures on “players” (rival companies) in a particular market. This video shows you how to search for one industry’s report and how to export it as a PDF file.