What is Open Access?
“Open Access refers to online, free of cost access to peer reviewed scientific content with limited copyright and licensing restrictions”
Graph & definition from FOSTER - Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research
Open Access Routes
There are two routes to open access; the open access journals and the open access repositories or open archives.
- The Gold route to open access is delivered via publishing an article in a journal. The journal may be an open access journal (pure open access), or a subscription based journal (hybrid open access) that offers an open access option. OA journals perform peer review
Publication fees: The model is to charge a fee upon acceptance of an article for publication. The bill may go to the author, but is often paid by the author's funder or employer rather than by the author out of pocket. Hence this model is sometimes, misleadingly, called the "author pays" or "author fee" model. The fee is sometimes called a "processing fee" or an "article processing charge" (APC).
Other models:
- Subsidy
- Freemium
For a list of OA journals in all fields and languages, see the Directory of Open Access Journals.
- The Green route to open access is delivered via self-archiving (depositing) an output into a repository. OA archives do not perform peer review.
There are two types of repositories, general and subject repositories.
Source: https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/taxonomy/term/118
General repositories
Subject repositories
Best Practice Guide
- See archived lists of predatory and hijacked journals: Jeffrey Beall’s list and Stop Predatory Journals
- Think, Check, Submit Choose the right journal for your research
http://thinkchecksubmit.org/ - Check Publishers policies on Sherpa/Romeo
- Check Open APC Initiative
Open Access @ INSEAD
The Couperin Consortium, which includes INSEAD, has negotiated with major publishers to establish an agreement supporting authors who wish to publish in open access journals. Under this agreement, the cost of publishing in eligible hybrid and fully gold journals is covered, waiving the article publishing charge (APC) for qualified authors.
Learn more and check your eligibility for the Elsevier agreement, the Springer Nature agreement, and for the Wiley agreement.
If you have decided to publish in an OA journal, you will have to choose under which licencing options. INSEAD recommends using the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selected INSEAD OA articles:
- Do financial crises moderate the influence of stakeholder rights protection on M&A activity: The influence of institutional logics and power?
- Presenting time-series data as absolute versus relative changes impacts judgments and choices
- Peer effects in subjective performance evaluation
- Training with AI: Evidence from chess computers
- The effects of Uber diffusion on the mental health of drivers
- Fiscal policy volatility and growth in emerging markets and developing economies
Open Access Plugins
These tools can help you find Open Access articles
for Chrome – Firefox
Google Scholar Button
for Chrome – Firefox
Endnote Click / Kopernio
Open Access Button
Further Reading
- Horizon Europe (formerly Horizon 2020)- The EU's Research and Innovation Funding Programme
All beneficiaries of Horizon Europe funding must provide immediate open access to all scientific publications and responsible research data management. Open Science factsheet
- Open Access Overview – Peter Suber, Director, Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication
Focusing on open access to peer-reviewed research articles and their preprints
- Articles on Research Gate
- Publishers and societies take action against ResearchGate’s copyright infringements
- ACS, Elsevier, and ResearchGate resolve litigation, with solution to support researchers
- Plan S: Accelerating the transition to full and immediate Open Access to scientific publications