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Faculty & Research


Financial Times – Mastering Strategy

Doz Y. L., Thanheiser H. (2000). 
The Art and Science of Corporate Renewal.
 Financial Times – Mastering Strategy (pp. 279-284). FT Prentice Hall.
Book Chapter
Leaders in the 1990s moved away from portfolio and financial restructuring that typified the previous decade - but the ingredients for a successful transformation still elude many businesses. According to the authors, leaders need to set new ambitions and to redefine their organization's focus; to establish clear operational and organizational rules; and to rekindle the commitment and emotional loyalty of employees. An initial surge of energy should be followed by a carefully managed diffusion process. Current wisdom says that companies should adopt a learning culture and be entrepreneurial, while the CEO needs to be the "first servant" rather than the "autocratic boss."

Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management

Emeritus Professor of Strategy and Management