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International Trade & Trading Arrangements

Trade Wars by Trump

Interviews: CNBC1; CNBC2; CNBC3

The Conversation Japan-South Korea Dispute

Faculti Interview WTO vs. Regional Trade Agreements

The WTO has a bigger impact on bilateral trade in the long-run compared to regional trade agreements

ASEAN challenges Q&A Session at ASEAN Connect

What can countries in ASEAN learn from Singapore?

The Paradox of Protectionist Populist INSEAD Knowledge

Most Americans support free trade. So what accounts for the protectionist rhetoric of a populist president?

Who Suffers in a Trade War? INSEAD Knowledge

Risks of a trade war between US and China. Are they real? Which sectors and countries are likely to be most affected?

Is the TPP Dead? CNBC Interview

Will the recent attempt to revive TPP, following the US exit, work?

Challenges and Opportunities for ASEAN, Channel News Asia Interview

What are the challenges for different countries in ASEAN?

ASEAN Connect Keynote Address, ASEAN Connect 2017

The next 50 years for ASEAN

Who Benefits from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) CNBC Interview

The EU has more to gain than does the US from TTIP.

Does the WTO Matter? VOXEU

The WTO ‘dodged the bullet’ week when members agreed to continue working on the deadlock holding up the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations. We survey the evidence on the trade effect of WTO membership and show that membership raises the range of goods that members export – increasing it by an estimated 42%. We conjecture that the WTO boosts trade by reducing uncertainty in the mind of potential exporters regarding the evolution of international trade rules.

When Corruption Boost Trade VOXEU.

Does reducing corruption increase trade? While corrupt customs officials extorting bribes from exporters may impede trade, those who take bribes to circumvent formal trade barriers may help it. This column estimates that when tariffs exceed 25%, the pro-trade effects of corruption may dominate.

The Death of Distance is Greatly Exaggerated! INSEAD Knowledge

Barriers to global trade may be lower, but they still remain difficult to overcome for countries with less historical, legal or cultural ties and especially those far apart from each other. Experience in trade matters and can reduce costs and boost exports. Temporary export promotion can have long-lasting effects.

Doha Still The Way to Go Article and Video INSEAD Knowledge

In the absence of agreement on the Doha round of trade talks, Asia has embarked on a host of bilateral and region-to-region trading arrangements which have increased trade complexity. This has given rise to a noodle bowl of trade arrangements. But these are reversible. In contrast, a global deal is safer and more sustainable.

Inequality & Politics

Unproductive shareholder vs. stakeholder debate

What is democracy good for? Faculti Interview

The unending debate on democracy vs. dictaorship and

From Inequality to Immortality INSEAD Knowledge

The socio-political implications in a world where Death itself is not equal.

Understanding Populism: Inequality by the Numbers INSEAD Knowledge

The sudden rise of populist politicians iN US and Europe can be traced to the rise in inequality. As one segment of the population gets left behind in globalization race, in the skill race, and by technological changes, a populist backlash emerges. This populist was a long time coming, as data on income inequality demonstrates.

What Are Trump’s Promises Really Worth? INSEAD Knowledge

Trump made heroic promises to his base of poorer, older, and rural voters to tackling inequality via trade restrictions, changes to healthcare, more jobs, and restrictions on immigration. Basd on the record so far, his base may have misjudged Trump by taking him “seriously but not literally.”

What Really Matters Is Poverty, Not Income Inequality INSEAD Knowledge

How we can use tools of machine learning to understand whether we should worry more about inequality at the top (the rise in share of 1%) or inequality at the bottom (the share of people who live in poverty). We find that for emerging markets tackling poverty is far more effective than focusing on inequality at the top.

How The Rich Got Richer… and What Politicians Are Doing About It INSEAD Knowledge interview

The perils and drivers of inequality in rich countries.

Does Democracy Help or Hinder Growth? INSEAD Knowledge

Comparing the economic performance of China with its restricted political rights to democratic India have led many to conclude that democracies may be a hindrance to growth. We show that while the relationship between and growth rates is non-existent, democracies dominate in the sense that they help guard against extreme outcomes.

India Burma Ties

The Future of Management

A series of blog posts by Benjamin Kessler of INSEAD Knowledge about how changes in culture and technology are reshaping what managers do. Professor Phanish Puranam and I decide on the content and play an advisory role.

  1. Algorithms to Decode Organizational Culture
  2. The Future of Work
  3. Why AI’s Video Game Supremacy Matters for Managers

Financial Crisis

Marketing in a Downturn INSEAD Knowledge article and interview

In stable environments, a pricing mistake is not very important. But in a crisis, it’s a matter of life and death. You’d better get your pricing right.


Pushan Dutt

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