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Faculty & Research



Journal Publications

Choice-Learn: Large-scale choice modeling for operational contexts through the lens of machine learning. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(101), 6899, 2024. (with Vincent Auriau, Ali Aouad, and Emmanuel Malherbe)

Fixed point label attribution for real-time bidding. Manufacturing & Service Operation Management,  26(3), pages 1043-1061, 2024. (with Martin Bompaire and Benjamin Heyman) 

Price Delegation with Learning Agents. Management Science, 70(8), pages 5540-5556, 2024. (joint with Atalay Atasu and Florin Ciocan)

Robust Assortment Optimization under the Markov Chain Model. Operations Research, 72(4), pages 1595-1614, 2024. (joint with Vineet Goyal, Bo Jiang, Tian Xie and Jiawei Zhang)

Incentive-compatible assortment optimizationManagement Science, 69(8), pages 4668-4684, 2023. (joint with Santiago Balseiro)

Best of both worlds ad contracts: guaranteed allocation and price with programmatic efficiency. Management Science, 69(7), pages 4027-4050, 2023. (joint with Maxime Cohen, Nitish Korula and Balasubramanian Sivan)

Shapley meets uniform: An axiomatic framework for attribution in online advertising. Management Science68(10), pages 7457-7479, 2022. (joint with Omar Besbes, Vineet Goyal, Garud Iyengar and Raghav Singal)
- Second place in the 2019 Revenue Management and Pricing student paper competition (Student: Raghav Singal)

Capacitated assortment optimization: hardness and approximation. Operations Research,70(2), pages 893-904, 2022. (joint with Vineet Goyal and Jiawei Zhang)

Mallows-smoothed distribution over rankings approach for modeling choiceOperations Research69(4), pages 1206-1227, 2021. (joint with Vineet Goyal, Danny Segev and Srikanth Jagabathula)
- Finalist in the 2017 MSOM student paper competition

Capacity constrained assortment optimization under the Markov chain based choice modelManagement Science 66(2), pages 698-721, 2020. (Joint with Vineet Goyal, Danny Segev and Chun Ye)
- Finalist in the 2015 Nicholson student paper competition

Sparse process flexility design: Is long chain really optimal? Operations Research 64(2), pages 416-431, 2016. (joint with Vineet Goyal, Yehua Wei and Jiawei Zhang)
- Finalist in the 2014 Nicholson student paper competition
- Finalist in the 2014 MSOM student paper competition

Papers in Refereed Conferences

Shapley meets uniform: An axiomatic framework for attribution in online advertising. In Proceedings of ACM World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2019. (joint with Omar Besbes, Vineet Goyal, Garud Iyengar and Raghav Singal)

Assortment optimization under the Mallows model. In Proceedings of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016. (joint with Vineet Goyal, Danny Segev and Srikanth Jagabathula)

Assortment optimization under a random swap based distribution over permutations model. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), 2016. (joint with Vineet Goyal and Danny Segev)

Games of network disruption and idempotent algorithms. In Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC), 2013. (joint work with William McEneaney)

Under Review

Representing random utility choice models with neural networks. (joint with Ali Aouad)
- Second place in the 2022 Junior Faculty Interest Group paper competition

Fairness Concerns in Heterogeneous Teams: Optimal Team Formation and Contract. (joint with Lin Chen and Guillaume Roels)


My Thesis

Fundamental Tradeoffs for Modeling Customer Preferences in Revenue Management.
- INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Dissertation prize (2018)


Antoine Désir

Assistant professor of Technology and Operations Management

INSEAD Europe Campus
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex

Email: [email protected]