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Q3 2022-2023 activity update

HGIBS - Q3-22-23 Update

Hoffmann Institute

Q3 2022-2023 activity update

Q3 2022-2023 activity update

We featured impact entrepreneurship as a topic this quarter.

The latest episode of our podcast, with guests Alexandra Machado and professor Filipe Santos, discusses the way social entrepreneurs can scale impact. On the events side, the INSEAD Alumni Forum Europe featured a session on the topic, and 80 impact entrepreneur graduates participated in a Reunion at the ChangeNOW summit.

We welcomed Marcos Prado Troyjo as Hoffmann Institute Distinguished Fellow.

Marcos’ expertise and multi-faceted career in government, business, academia and public discourse on economic development is a great addition to our Institute.

We worked with Degree Programs to review the MBA Curriculum and integrate sustainability at its core.

INSEAD’s renewed MBA curriculum leads the way in equipping future business leaders with skills to integrate social and environmental issues into business decisions.

We supported INSEAD’s Faculty Learning Trek to Rwanda and Kenya.

Our associated INSEAD Africa Initiative, in collaboration with the Deans of Faculty and Research, helped 14 professors gain on-the-ground knowledge about how business, government, and social sector ecosystems are evolving in the region. The trip included meetings with business & government leaders, INSEAD alumni, and site visits to businesses and academic institutions.

We held two workshops on carbon assessment and change management with INSEAD Climate Journey.

School-broad consultations and reviews on the risk, the impact, and the opportunity of scope 3 emissions, as well as recommendation for possible mitigation and adaptation measures continue.

We published three opinion papers on INSEAD Knowledge.

These articles discuss sharing business benefits to reduce inequality, regulating technology and reflecting on the carbon budget.

We held a faculty luncheon on climate and debt with Hoffmann Institute Fellow Beatrice Weder di Mauro.

Professor Weder di Mauro shared insights from one of her latest publications on how to align individual country interests with the global interest of limiting temperature rises.

We launched a Nature-Positive content section in the new INSEAD Learning Hub in partnership with leading business organizations.

Thanks to the Capitals Coalition, the World Economic Forum, as well as systems change company Systemiq, and innovative start-up rePLANET, our new learning platform offers the latest and most relevant insights, research, and thought leadership on what nature-positive really means in material terms for business and finance – and how you can respond.

We took part in the B for Good Leaders Summit, and in a new session of Le Club Les Echos Débats on climate and sustainability.

Held in Amsterdam, the Summit united business leaders truly dedicated to collectively shifting markets, paradigms and behavior for a better world. In the debate at Les Echos, our student Yann Gourio exchanged with practitioners on the need to act in face of the climate crisis.

We supported the launch of StartNOW, the 2023 edition of the INSEAD Community Impact Challenge, and the new INSEAD Business Sustainability Series.

The StartNOW challenge gives access to learning resources and a community of passionate sustainability experts who help individuals and organizations towards the next level on their journey to reduce emissions. Our new Series aims to enable and inspire discussions on how to align sustainability and business objectives.

We co-organized the second edition of INSEAD Earth Week and joined forces with the Summer Start-up Tour.

From 17 to 21 April, with the participation of Human Resources, Operations & Campus Services and the Career Development Center, as well as contributions from student clubs, we held on-campus activities and conversations to share knowledge on topics related to our planet. On the other hand, our association with the Summer Start-up Tour aims to support student teams exploring the intersection between the startup ecosystem and sustainability.

We celebrated our professors Pierre Chandon and Hilke Plassmann for winning the 2023 Award for Responsible Research in Marketing.

Both faculty members were selected for their article “Obesity and Responsiveness to Food Marketing Before and After Bariatric Surgery”, in honor of its credible and useful knowledge that can be applied to benefit society. Professor Chandon and PhD alumn Yann Cornil were also finalists of the award for the paper “More value from less food? Effects of epicurean labeling on moderate eating in the United States and in France”.

To get the latest on all our activities, follow us on social media.

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