Book Chapter
Managing creative talent has always been a challenge. In business, however, creativity has only recently been given the attention it merits. The rise of information technology and globalization has focused attention on product and service differentiation.
While much has been said about the value of knowledge, managers are discovering that what you know is only a piece of the puzzle. It is the way knowledge is used that determines a company's performance. Easier access to constantly changing information hasn't made life easier; in fact, it has put most organizations on a more level playing field. To remain competitive companies must continue to find and hone innovative solutions to market problems.
When executives think of managing creativity they often think only in terms of how to manage the creative person. Certainly managing creativity at the individual level is a vital component, but managers must think beyond the person to maximize the creative potential of their organizations.
Social psychologists have discussed the importance of various facets of creativity, which include not only the person but also the product, the process and the situation. As these facets are described in detail, it will be clear that they are not distinct but closely related. So, when motivating creative people, managers must think about more than just individual employees.
Senior Affiliate Professor of Organisational Behaviour