About Pierre Chandon
Pierre Chandon is the L'Oréal Chaired Professor of Marketing, Innovation and Creativity at INSEAD in France, and the Director of the INSEAD-Sorbonne University Behavioural Lab. He holds a PhD in marketing from HEC Paris, an MS in Business Administration from ESSEC, and an honorary professorship from Pacific University in Lima, Peru. Prior to joining INSEAD, Pierre Chandon was a faculty of the London Business School and of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has also held visiting positions at Kellogg, Wharton, and Harvard Business School.
Pierre Chandon studies innovative marketing solutions to better align business growth with consumer health and wellbeing. His research has been published in marketing journals (Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and Marketing Science) and in psychology or nutrition journals (Appetite, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Nutrition Reviews, Obesity, and Psychological Science).
Latest news
INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Nutrition and Health
Epicurean Nudging, Happier to Spend More on Less Food (TEDxINSEAD)
Featured blog posts about food marketing and overeating

Green Views for Healthier Diets

Unravelling the Link Between Socioeconomic Status and Obesity

From Super-Sized to Superior Gratification: A New Path For the Food Industry
See All
- Green Views for Healthier Diets (INSEAD Knowledge April 2024).
- Unravelling the Link Between Socioeconomic Status and Obesity (INSEAD Knowledge August 2023).
- From Super-Sized to Superior Gratification: A New Path For the Food Industry (INSEAD Knowledge June 2023).
- Healthy Eating Interventions That Work (INSEAD Knowledge January 2023).
- How to Get More Value from less Food (INSEAD Knowledge October 2022).
- Healthy in the Wrong Way: When Food Marketers Don’t Listen (INSEAD Knowledge July 2022).
- Aligning Health, Business and Pleasure Through Epicurean Food Marketing (Impact at JMR, August 2021).
- Weight Loss Surgery Reduces Susceptibility to Food Marketing (INSEAD Knowledge April 2021).
- Portion size distortion (from the Food Chain, BBC WorldService podcast, April 2021).
- Do Lab Studies Replicate in the Field? The Case of Simplified Nutrition Labels (BehavioralEconomics, October 2020).
- Happiness is a (Small) Piece of Cake (INSEAD Knowledge, May 2020)
- What’s Up Front? The True Influence of Nutrition Labels in Real Life (INSEAD Knowledge, May 2020)
- Epicurean Food Marketing:Aligning business and health by making eaters happier to spend more for less food (Sight & Life Magazine, 2020)
- Four ways foods claim to be 'healthy': Front-of-package claims can influence perceptions (Sight & Life Magazine, 2020)
- Seven ways restaurants can nudge people to eat more healthily (The Conversation 2019)
- Four ways foods claim to be healthy (INSEAD Knowledge 2019)
- Drunk on vodka and marketing (INSEAD Knowledge 2017)
- Customers notice when products shrink more than when they get bigger (HBR USA, 2017)
- Why it’s so hard to reverse food supersizing (INSEAD Knowledge, 2017)
- The reasons we buy (and eat) too much food (HBR USA, 2016)
- For a healthy holiday and a merry new year, listen to epicurus (INSEAD Knowledge, 2016)
- Less size, more pleasure: Palatable anti-obesity solutions (Food Matters Live, 2016)
- How to Get People to Pay for Smaller Portions (INSEAD Knowledge, 2015)
- Customers Aren’t Very Good at Judging Product Sizing (HBR, 2015)
- The Customers Who Are Happy to Pay More for Less (HBR, 2015)
- Strategic Sizing: Making Customers Happier with Less (LinkedIn, longer version of HBR post, 2015)
- So, You Think Your Customers Understand Percentages? (INSEAD Knowledge, 2015)
- How Focusing on the Pleasure of Eating Can Reduce Obesity (INSEAD Knowledge, 2015)
- Can Big Food Help us Fight Obesity? (INSEAD alumni magazine, 2015)
- Overcoming Obesity: Can Big Food Help? (INSEAD Knowledge, 2014)
- Research…in Motion (my blog about my treadmill desk, INSEAD Knowledge 2014)
- Food Marketers On A Diet (Forbes 2013)
- Backing The Wrong Sports Team Can Make You Fat (Forbes 2013)
- Are you at risk of eating junk food after a defeat? Take the test and see if you are at risk of going from fan to fat!
- Can Food Marketers Not Make Us Fat? (Forbes 2012)
- Labelling, Packaging and Other Eating Enticements (INSEAD Knowlege 2012)
- Supersizing and downsizing: the impact of changing packaging and portion sizes on food consumption (INSEAD Knowledge 2008)
Blogs en Français
Plus de liens
- Télétravail : le nudge s’invite à l’heure du goûter (HBR France 2020)
- Pourquoi l’étiquetage nutritionnel ne fonctionne-t-il pas aussi bien dans la vie réelle ? (HBR France 2020)
- Collaborer pour promouvoir des comportements alimentaires plus sains (HBR France 2020)
- Marketing alimentaire : que nous apprennent vraiment les emballages ? (HBR France 2019)
- Sept façons pour les restaurants d’inciter les gens à mieux manger… sans en avoir l’air (The Conversation France 2019)
- Boisson énergisante et alcool, un cocktail à risque...psychologique (The Conversation France 2017)
- Pourquoi les consommateurs ne voient pas les portions telles qu’elles sont (HBR France 2017)
- Consommation: pourquoi faut-il privilégier la qualité à la quantité? (HBR France 2016)
- Le plaisir, le nouvel allié pour la santé publique et l'agroalimentaire (Novembre 2014)
- Comment l’industrie agro-alimentaire peut contribuer à lutter contre l’obésité (octobre 2014)
- Le volume des portions, un enjeu de taille dans la lutte contre l’obésité (septembre 2014)
Blogs and articles about case writing
- The case method in the time of remote teaching (2020).
- Winning the Outstanding Contribution to the Case Method (2016).
- How heritage drives success of Chinese luxury brands (South China Morning Post, 2015)
- Solving Your Business Dilemma by Solving Other People’s Dilemmas (INSEAD Knowledge 2014)
- Decrypting The Secrets of Business Triumph (INSEAD Knowledge 2014)
- Support for educators from case authors (by Emma Simmons, casecentre 2014)
Pierre Chandon
Professor of Marketing
INSEAD Europe Campus
Boulevard de Constance
77300 Fontainebleau France
Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 49 87
E-mail: [email protected]
LinkedIN: View profile
Web Of Science Researcher: View profile