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Diversity Grant

Diversity Grant

Eligibility Criteria

It has specific eligibility criteria based on a combination of merit and financial need. Candidates will be appraised on the quality of their scholarship essays and the degree to which they meet the eligibility criteria.

Please note that as there are only very limited scholarships available, please only apply if you really need assistance so that we can give this opportunity to those who need it.



  • Please prepare in word or PDF A 500 word essay on:
    • what you hope to learn/gain from this programme,
    • what unique perspective you will bring to the programme,
    • why you are applying for the grant and how you fit the eligibility criteria
  • Your company’s Organisational Chart, indicating your position



  • 30 Aug Deadline to submit grant applications
  • 6 - 13 Sep Successful applicants will be informed and sent registration details.

Payment for the programme (30%) needs to be finalised within the week of confirmation, or the grant will be given to another applicant.


Click here to apply