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Faculty & Research


Vincent H. Dominé

Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour


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Vincent H. Dominé is Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD. His research focus is leadership development from both an “inside-out” and “outside-in” perspective with an emphasis on group dynamics. He is the Director of the Leadership Development Programme (LDP) in the Global Executive MBA programmes in Abu Dhabi, Fontainebleau and Singapore and in the dual degree INSEAD-Tsinghua programme in Beijing. He also covers the topic of team coaching in the INSEAD Coaching Certificate programmme and leads the Leadership Check-Up Series (LCS) offered to INSEAD alumni around the world.

Vincent regularly consults with senior executive teams and boards and has designed and delivered leadership development programmes for many leading organizations. Following an international executive career, he founded DOMINÉ & PARTNERS, a Swiss-based leadership consultancy firm. He also acted as Chairman of a London-based venture backed by large media groups. He is a founding member of the Institute of Coaching Professional Association and a member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. A graduate of INSEAD’s Masters in Consulting and Coaching for Change, he contributed to the book The Coaching Kaleidoscope (INSEAD Press 2010) and co-authored the book on Exploring Leadership Drivers & Blockers (Palgrave 2019).