Lionel Sauvage, MBA'87J
President AFHI-Art (Amis du festival de l’Histoire de l’Art)
Additional Information
Lionel is President and founder of FLAX (France Los Angeles eXchange) a not-for-profit producing and promoting French cultural events in Southern California, and President and Founder of Amis du festival de l’Histoire de l’Art, a not-for-profit contributing to the development and support of this annual Festival in Fontainebleau.
Lionel also sits on the boards of Société des Amis du Louvre, Fond de Dotation du Louvre, American Friends of the Louvre, Abraham Path Europe and the Los Angeles Opera.
In addition to his not-for-profit commitments, Lionel collects art and pursues research in art history, with a concentration on the French painter Antoine Watteau (1684 – 1721).
Lionel spent 28 years at The Capital Group Companies, as a senior Vice-President and Chairman of Capital International Limited, managing global equity portfolios.
He is married to Ariane and they have two children, Constantin and Aliénor, who are at the beginning of their professional careers. Lionel and Ariane live in Los Angeles.
Lionel holds an MBA from INSEAD and an electronic engineering degree from ENSEM in Nancy, France.