Florence Hamilton MBA'85J
Founder of Balance in Business Initiative UK
Additional Information
Florence Hamilton’s commitment to building a more balanced and diverse workforce led her to create the unique INSEAD Alumni IMPACT Mentoring Programme for tomorrow’s executive teams and boards. Her vision of calling on alumni leaders - both women and men - to join forces has resulted in a highly successful programme focused on women, currently running in the UK and Belgium, and was also pivotal in the development of the mentoring platform currently being adopted by INSEAD and other associations. Additionally, she serves on the UK National Alumni Association Executive Committee, the UK IN-BOARD Steering Group and has co-chaired every quinquennial alumni reunion for MBA'85J.
Florence had a distinguished career in blue chip companies including Mars Confectionary, Johnson Wax and JP Morgan before turning to her entrepreneurial path by joining Caffé Nero and starting her own property marketing and management company based in Canada. She is now focused on volunteer and not-for-profit work. Diversity is at the heart of her leadership, background, & career journey.