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Andrew Bueno

Andrew Bueno MAP’15Jul

Senior Director, Business Transformation Analysis, Finance & Administration Department

Additional Information


Andrew joined INSEAD in 2006 and has held multiple roles within the organisation over the past 18 years. The first 10 years were spent in Degree Programmes as part of the Marketing and Recruitment team where he was responsible for recruiting MBA students in over 40 countries, followed by 8 years in IT where he led the Business Partnering & Analysis team and was responsible for the product development of the MyINSEAD digital platform and app.

Today, Andrew is the Senior Director of Business Transformation Analysis where he co-leads the recently created Business Transformation Office, with the objective to identify opportunities, assess relevance, prioritise, and implement projects that enable INSEAD to gain effectiveness.

Prior to joining INSEAD, Andrew worked in various roles for higher education institutions based in France and the United States.

Andrew holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and French Studies from Andrews University (Michigan, USA) and is an INSEAD MAP’15Jul alumnus.

Relevant INSEAD Committee Experiences:
•    2022-Present: appointed to the role of Staff Advisor for the Europe Campus Re-imagination Project with the goal to: find missing elements, highlight trade-offs, validate or challenge how the master plan meets the expectations set by the Facilities Steering Committee.
•    2022-Present: appointed to the role of Case Manager (Anti-Harassment Policy) to assist Legal, HR and the Executive Committee with the management of harassment cases at INSEAD.
•    2020-2023: appointed to INSEAD’s Covid-19 Crisis Management Team to assist with weekly:  sub-CMT (Baton) pre-meetings, agenda and minutes management, and Circular content contribution and copywriting.
•    2011-2016: Worked with INSEAD’s Advancement and Financial Aid Teams as a member of the Needs and Merit-based Scholarship Committees, responsible for: reviewing all funding requests and awarding over 3.5€ million euros in scholarships annually.
•    2011-2016: Represented INSEAD as an appointed member to The MBA Tour’s European Advisory Board, responsible for: providing strategic guidance on the annual scheduling of MBA fairs globally and direction on which regional markets/countries to invest in.
•    2009-2013: Served as an elected member on INSEAD’s Health & Safety Committee (CHSCT) responsible for: reviewing all health and safety grievances raised to HR and management, conducting annual building reviews, making physical improvement recommendations, and auditing all work-related accidents to see if/how they could be avoided in the future.