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Help us build knowledge and a community on Global Digital Transformation by giving to digital@INSEAD.

Digital transformation is ubiquitous. While change is far from linear and deterministic, the underlying forces driving digital disruption across the business and social landscape are strong: almost free computing power and storage that is conveniently packaged in the cloud and easily accessed via ever-present smart phones and high speed networks. These forces have unleashed a series of exciting new possibilities – social media, the sharing economy, machine learning, the Internet of Things – that are sending waves of change across every major economic sector.

digital@INSEAD probes this rapidly evolving space and offers insights and strategies, through the rigorous and independent research of its leading academics that spans across academic areas, geographies and industries and brings an unmatched international viewpoint thanks to INSEAD’s unique position as The Business School for the World.

If you would like to discuss your giving, please contact Pascale Balzé at [email protected].


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