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INSEAD delivers tailor-made corporate solutions designed to  equip executives and senior leaders in global organisations with new skills and capabilities to drive transformation and maintain a competitive edge,. From Board level to C-suite, to general managers and managers,  hear from our partners on how we design, develop, and deliver our Customised Programmes.


Hitachi Academy


Business Case Studies in Bespoke Corporate Training

Explore case studies of INSEAD partnerships delivering Customised Programmes in various disciplines such as strategic innovation, leading and implementing change, digital transformation, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

INSEAD and Bertelsmann: 25 Years of Seizing Opportunities

Photo of the Bertelsmann headquarters

Twenty-five years ago, at the dawn of the Internet revolution, Bertelsmann asked INSEAD for support in Preparing for Opportunities (PFO), by embedding a culture of entrepreneurial leadership across its businesses.

The resulting one-week programme has evolved over the years but is still built on the original three central pillars: strategic innovation; leading change to implement strategic innovation; and measuring the value of the implementation.

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TCS and INSEAD: Transform and Grow – “Ablaze” and “Arise”

tcs cover

In 2020, global IT consultancy, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), embarked on a new vision to reshape itself from a service and technology provider into a strategic transformation partner for its clients.

The organisation’s talent development team embarked on a one-of-a-kind initiative to train “growth and transformation leaders” from within its ranks. INSEAD, co-designed an innovative programme based on TCS’s comprehensive analysis of the 16 key traits required by growth and transformation leaders.

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Driving the Jardines Momentum Shift

Skyline of an urban city, representing the rich momentum of Jardines company after partaking in INSEAD's customised programme.

As part of its new “momentum-shifting” Group and HR strategies, Jardines approached INSEAD to build a suite of world-class leadership-development programmes.

The focus was on three core career transitions, where business units were losing or having to buy in talent. The resulting EMERGE,
GROW and INSPIRE programmes formed a continuum of learning across a common curriculum, designed around Jardines’ business priorities and differentiated for different levels of leadership.

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The Danfoss–INSEAD Strategic Excellence Development Programme


Danfoss leaders are the first to acknowledge that they do not work for a typical multinational. What works elsewhere is not necessarily going to work at Danfoss.

Back in 2019, when the company set out to raise the game of its
top 250 leaders, Ilonka Nussbaumer, Head of Human Resources, knew
she was not looking for just another academic or soft-skills leadership
programme. Danfoss was already packed with very smart people who
were also talented leaders. “What we really wanted was for our senior
leaders to run their businesses as if they were their own,” she says. “It
wasn’t really a question of leadership in terms of excellence and people
management, but leadership in terms of strategy, innovation and

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Customer Academy: ENGIE University X INSEAD


Today, ENGIE is known as a global pioneer in carbon reduction. But behind the cutting-edge, sustainable identity there is a long story. The company was created in 2008 through the merger of Gaz de France and Suez.

GDF SUEZ changed its name to ENGIE in 2015 to reflect an increasingly global outlook. In 2016 it adopted a new strategy focused on a neutral carbon future, withdrawing progressively from the coal business, producing energy as locally as possible and using digital technology to maximise efficiency.

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INSEAD and Cargill: Catalysing Leadership in a Digital World


Cargill has a proud 155-year history as a giant of global business, but in 2017 the senior leadership team recognised that the company faced significant challenges.

From a rapidly changing competitive landscape, evolving consumer trends and supplier demands to rising social and business issues, there were many obstacles to overcome. However, change and disruption also brought with it opportunities for growth as well as greater customer and staff satisfaction.

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Video Cases