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Master Programmes

Students of the INSEAD Master in Business Administration

Master in Business Administration

Designed for early to mid-career professionals, this programme will develop your full potential and open doors to global career opportunities.

At a Glance
10 Months
Two Intakes
January and August
Starting Campus
France or Singapore

Elective Courses

Decision Sciences

Data Science for Business

The abundance of data revolutionises many industries, and creates new, data-intensive business models. Today’s MBAs need to be more comfortable with “data science” – an emerging discipline that combines data analytics and business. In this course, students will build their capability in data science so as to effectively add value through the intelligent management and use of data in organisations. The course combines three key elements: analytical techniques, business applications, and basic coding and programming.


This course explores the ways that people negotiate, to create value and overcome common as well as complex negotiation obstacles such as the tension between substance and relationship, and value distribution. This course aims to enable you to become a more effective and reflective negotiator through a series of hands-on simulations building from simple two-party encounters to complex multiparty scenarios. Some of the exercises emphasize psychological aspects of bargaining, value creation and distribution, and coalition dynamics, with a special focus on organized preparation and process analysis. Participants will finish the programme having acquired a clear conceptual framework to diagnose problems and promote agreement.

Pricing Analytics

Pricing is the single most important lever of profits. Yet many companies still take an ad hocapproach to pricing decisions. This pricing analytics course provides a systematic process and tools to sell the right product to the right customer at the right time – at the right price. The focus is on the tactical (rather than strategic) management of pricing, using quantitative models of demand/consumer behavior and constrained optimisation tools – the two main building blocks of revenue optimisation.

Understanding and Managing Risk

Business, investments and personal decisions are all about taking calculated risks. There is rarely an important decision where uncertainty and risk are not a key determining factor. This course is about helping participants better understand, assess, and manage risk in a wide cross-section of scenarios. The course provides students with a framework to assess and manage risk in a variety of professional settings and generates a critical discussion of the present best practices.

Storytelling Workshop

What makes a conscious, authentic decision? Authenticity is an art, not a science. This course offers an experimental platform for students to explore the forces that motivate and limit their individual choices. They will be relying on creative expression and personal evidence, rather than general frameworks and theory, as primary material for the course. All sessions are experiential, delivered in a workshop style format, in the spirit of self-discovery, non-judgement and reflection.

Making Authentic Decisions

What makes a conscious, authentic decision? Authenticity is an art, not a science. This course offers an experimental platform for students to explore the forces that motivate and limit their individual choices. They will be relying on creative expression and personal evidence, rather than general frameworks and theory, as primary material for the course. All sessions are experiential, delivered in a workshop style format, in the spirit of self-discovery, non-judgement and reflection.

Management Decision Making

This course focuses on the behavioral aspects of judgment and decision making.  How do people make decisions?  What are the common pitfalls of managerial decisions? Research shows that people rely on a small number of heuristics in making decisions.  These heuristics are extremely useful: they are fast, easy and they get us close to the right answer most of the time.  However, they can also lead to serious mistakes. While intuition often serves us well, there are many decision traps that we tend to fall into on a repeated basis. The objective of the course is to improve your decision making skills by illustrating these traps and suggesting how to avoid them: Knowing what can go wrong and knowing the right questions to ask will help a decision maker or a manager think smarter, and maybe only a little harder.

Decision Models

With the help of spreadsheet models, students will develop conceptual skills, such as framing a complex managerial decision problem in the form of a model and technical skills like how to build, use, and derive insights from decision models. The focus is for students to apply decision technology and interpret the results for guiding management, as well as individual, action.