Upcoming Sessions
Payment Process
Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy
The Client may cancel the Application Form by giving INSEAD written notice at any time to the INSEAD Executive Education Department.
If the Client cancels the Application Form before the content of the first week is released no cancellation fee shall apply. If the Client Cancels the Application Form after the content of the first week is released, the Client shall be liable to pay INSEAD 100% of the cost of Tuition fee.
To read the full terms and conditions please click here.
What do I receive upon the successful completion of the programme?
Upon successful completion of all programme activities combined with satisfactory grades on the final assignment, participants are awarded with an official Certificate of Completion from INSEAD, which they can also showcase on their LinkedIn profile.
In addition, you will also receive the official INSEAD Online Certificate in Negotiation, or the INSEAD Advanced Certificate in Negotiation, depending on the certificate track you chose to follow.
Can I be eligible to more than one INSEAD Online Certificate?
Participants may obtain more than one INSEAD Online Certificate within a 2 year time frame. For example, if a participant obtains the INSEAD Certificate in Business Essentials and wishes to complete a fourth (or more) elective(s) from the remaining track, Digital Transformation, the subsequent elective(s) will be settled at the full fee and participant will obtain the corresponding certificate(s).
Is this programme eligible for the INSEAD Online Certificate: Leading in a Transforming world?
Yes, this programme is eligible.
Do INSEAD Open Online programmes count towards Continuing Education Units (CEU)?
INSEAD Open Online Programmes do not count towards Continuing Education Units (CEU).
However in the event participants require validation of training hours, upon completion of the programme INSEAD can provide a letter validating the number of training hour. Participants are requested to get in touch with the Admissions team via email at [email protected]
Technical Queries
Do I need to have an Internet connection all the time to access the programme content? Would I be able to download and save videos to watch offline?
Yes. At the moment we do not support offline access of content so you will need to have access to the Internet whenever you want to access the programme content.
What type of technical equipment do I need for this programme?
INSEAD Online Programmes can be accessed on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Currently supported browsers (usually based on support of latest two browser versions) are:Chrome: version 31+
Safari: version 7+
Firefox: version 26+ I
E: version 10+The application uses modern web development approaches (HTML 5) so that it can function responsively across desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones without the need of players or add-ons like adobe flash player.
Can I continue to access the programme content even after the programme finishes?
Yes. The entire content of the programme is available to you up to 6 months from the beginning of the programme.
Application Process
How do I apply and what is the selection process?
Similar to our face-to-face programmes, we have an application and admission process in place for our online programmes to ensure a diverse and motivated group of participants for a rich learning experience. It is important for all participants that the programme brings together participants with an adequate level of general-management experience, professional expertise and business responsibility.
The application form asks prospective participants questions around their professional background and motivations to join the programme. Admissions are granted on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into consideration the applicant’s fit for the programme, his or her learning objectives, potential contribution to the programme and the diversity within the class.
Some open programmes also involve an interview with the programme director as part of the application process. The programme advisor and admissions committee will be able to advise if an interview is necessary when you submit your application.
We recommend that you submit your completed application as early as possible, preferably six weeks prior to programme commencement. The admissions committee will review your application and advise you on the outcome as soon as possible.
I work for a company or organisation that would like to enrol multiple employees in the same programme. Is this possible?
Absolutely. We actually encourage participants to attend in teams in order to maximize the learning and impact.
Programme Specific
What are the requirements to successfully complete the programme?
Our online programmes, like our face-to-face programmes, follow a rigorous learning process. Participants are expected to fulfil a certain minimum criteria to earn the online Certificate of Completion.
As the participants progress through the programme, reviewing the weekly content, they earn points for each activity. The participants need to have earned a certain minimum number of points at the end of the programme. In addition, participants are also required to submit a final assignment related to the Action-learning Project at the end of the programme, and earn a minimum grade on it, which is assessed via the peer-review.
Successful completion of individual activities AND a minimum grade on the final assignment will earn the participants an online certificate of completion at the end of the programme.
Is this programme eligible for any continuing education/professional development units?
INSEAD Online programmes are not eligible for continuing education or professional development units.
Learning Experience
How much time should I expect to dedicate to the programme every week?
The programme should take approximately 4-6 hours, and potentially may entail up to 2 additional hours/week to complete Action Learning Projects (ALPs). You can expect to devote 1-2 hours per week watching video lectures on fundamental concepts, 1 hour per week on interacting with fellow participants in discussions or reflecting on the concepts through quizzes and reflections, and 2-3 hours per week in applying the fundamental concepts in an ALP to understand their relevance to your everyday work.
How much time should I expect to dedicate to the programme every week?
The programme should take approximately 4-6 hours/week, and potentially may entail up to 2 additional hours/week to complete other assignments such as role plays.
What is the weekly learning rhythm during the programme?
The programme is designed in a manner to encourage the whole class to learn together, moving at a certain pace from week to week, while providing enough flexibility within each week for the participants to review the content at their own convenience.
Each week of content is released on a Friday and you have two weeks to complete reviewing the content of a particular week.
Do I need to be online at specific times during the programme, or can I learn ahead of the rest of the class?
While a week is open, you can log in anytime at your convenience and review the weekly content at your own pace, as the learning design is asynchronous. From time-to-time, the faculty will hold live calls, which will take place at a particular time, and you will need to be online at the given time. These live calls would typically take place following the Central European Time to accommodate the maximum participants across the globe. We will also record these live calls for those participants who are unable to join the live session.
What is the total length of the online programme?
This programme has 4 weeks of content.
An online programme always starts with a launch week before the first week of content is released.
After the launch week, the programme content is delivered over 4 consecutive weeks followed by 2 extra weeks to finish the project work and engage in peer review. The programme may also include a pause week(s).
Do I need to come to the INSEAD campus during the programme?
No. The programme is fully online and is a mix of asynchronous learning (through videos, quizzes, discussions, projects etc) and live online interactions with fellow participants, learning coach and faculty.
Will I have an opportunity to interact with INSEAD faculty?
There will be some interaction points with faculty either through live calls with the faculty to discuss course content, or recorded “Just-In-Time” videos where faculty will answer questions that are asked in the “Ask the Faculty” forum during the programme.
Will I be able to interact with other participants?
Yes, of course. The learning experience is designed to encourage interaction and simulate as close an experience to face-to-face as possible. Participants would be able to interact with each other through discussion forums, interspersed throughout the platform. In addition, participants would have the option to work on the Action-Learning Project in groups with fellow participants. They would also have the opportunity to interact with each other during the live call with faculty.
What is the role of the Learning Coach?
At INSEAD, you never learn alone. To bring this notion alive in the online setting, we have built a learning community comprising of the participants, the faculty and the learning coach. The learning coach plays an integral part in stimulating content discussions, encouraging collaboration between participants as well as guiding the participants closely in the design of their action-learning project.
A learning coach is available throughout the whole programme to help move the discussion forward and exchange with each participant as well as to support them with the learning. Participants can share their learning objectives with the learning coach at the start of the programme, who will follow their progress until the end of the programme.
What is the Leaderboard?
The learning platform has a leaderboard, which constantly updates the average score of the class and your earned points within the programme. It also shows the badges available and earned in the programme. Typically, points can be earned from watching video lectures, working on reflections, complete quizzes and submitting weekly action learning project. At the end of the programme, your final assignment peer review score will also be added to your total scores in the leaderboard.
What is the difference between individual and group Action Learning Project (ALP) submissions?
Individual vs Group ALP submission
We offer you the option to work on your ALP individually, or in a group on one common project (if you have colleagues from your company taking the programme at the same time as you).
Important note on ALP Groups
You can work in a group for your ALP by forming a team with 2-5 other participants from your company. This means your whole group will work on the same ALP topic. Your learning coach will spend time with the group to give guidance on the ALP. You will also do a group submission for your weekly ALP and final assignment (one group submission per assignment).