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Equal4Europe - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at INSEAD


As part of our commitment to champion gender equality, INSEAD is proud to form part of EQUAL4EUROPE (E4E), a European Union Initiative. INSEAD is working with seven E4E partner institutions to develop and implement gender equality plans for business and management schools, as well as the social sciences throughout Europe.

*The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no GA872499.

INSEAD Gender Equity Action Plan

The main aim of the E4E consortium is to contribute to increased gender equality in the European Research Area and develop a network of gender equality officers across Europe. In order to achieve this aim, we have set the following specific objectives: 

  • Enhance recruitment, hiring, and retention practices 
  • Explore initiatives to broaden the pipeline for diverse faculty hires 
  • Achieve Gender parity in faculty hiring for incoming faculty  
  • Implement Trainings on the INSEAD Anti-Harassment Policy  
  • Implement Trainings and awareness campaigns on creating inclusive environments and combatting gender bias and unconscious bias, including in professional practices and in research and teaching content 
  • Convene an internal committee to help implement and monitor the progress of the plan 


We plan to implement these actions as per the following timeline

Action  Target Timeline
Charge Committee with monitoring the progress of Gender Action Plan  2022-23 academic year 
Develop formal set of best practice guidelines in hiring processes  2022-23 academic year 
Gender parity in faculty hiring for incoming faculty   2024-25 academic year  
Trainings on inclusive environments, inclusive leadership, gender bias, and unconscious bias incorporating E4E resources and materials  2022-23 academic year 
Training and awareness campaigns on the INSEAD Anti-Harassment Policy  

2022-23 academic year;  
Staff pilot trainings March 2022

Track data on cases, research, and publications that feature diverse businesses, scholarship, or women and other minority authors 

Ongoing from 2022-23 academic year

Develop in-house training on inclusive teaching practices and research methodologies as a follow-up to E4E training 

2023-24 academic year

Disseminate diverse scholarship through INSEAD Knowledge  Ongoing 
Host conferences on inclusive teaching and research practices  Ongoing 

Learn more about E4E