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Aspiring Directors Programme

Designed for high potential professionals, managers or executives preparing for their first board mandate

Upcoming Sessions
5 days

Prepare for your first board mandate

The Aspiring Directors Programme is a five-day programme that helps high potential professionals, managers or executives preparing for their first board mandate to acquire the knowledge base that directors are expected to master, and which form the basis of effective board membership.

Dynamic and immersive learning allows participants to understand the essential areas of the board - such as, architecture, structure, processes and the job market – allowing participants to progress into a board position with confidence.

Our Participant Profile

  • Professionals, managers or executives without experience as board directors that aim to serve in a corporate governance role
  • Family members and controlling shareholders of small and medium family companies
  • Executive of government and non-profit organisations and agencies. Professionals from the institutional investment community
  • Senior Executives (CEO, COO, CFO, CIO etc.)

Applicants should hold very little or no board experience as a director to date. 

How You Benefit


Understand the broader context in which boards operate and the responsibilities that come with a director mandate


Gain an overview of the knowledge and competencies expected from directors in today's environment


Engage with topical issues such as the growing impact of digital technology on strategy and organisations, and on the role of the board


Develop director-specific competencies that contribute to the creation of a high-performing board

INSEAD Certificates in Corporate Governance

INSEAD offers two certificates in Corporate Governance: the Certificate in Corporate Governance and the Advanced Certificate in Corporate Governance. Eligibility for these certificates begins with the completion of the International Directors Progamme, which can be a suitable progression for past participants of the Aspiring Directors Programme.

The INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre

The INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre was launched in 2010 and undertakes cutting-edge research and teaching tailored to the needs of boards and international directors. It aims to establish new programmes and events that foster a global dialogue on the challenges of corporate governance and leadership in an international context.

Programme Director

IN Focus

Programme Partner

We are pleased to partner with ILA - Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs.

The mission of ILA is to support all directors and governance professionals and be the governance arm to all industries in the Luxembourg eco-system. We are the first interlocutor on corporate governance and therefore are instrumental in the determination and the promotion of good and sustainability conscious corporate governance.





ILA logo


Dates and Fees

Investing for a lifelong learning journey at INSEAD

Discount and Financing

1 Module

To complete the Programme

30% Off

For INSEAD Alumni Community

Programme certificate

on completion of the programme
5 days

The director's development journey

Develop your board skills with INSEAD.

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