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Hoffmann Institute


INSEAD in Davos - 2024

Main Session Details

From CSR Programs to Strategic Corporate Impact: 
A virtual reality experience to transform supply chains in Ghana  

Led by Amitava Chattopadhyay, Professor of Marketing, the GlaxoSmithKline Chaired Professor of Corporate Innovation, INSEAD 
Opening statement by Francisco Veloso, Dean of INSEAD
Moderated by Katell Le Goulven, Executive Director, Hoffmann Institute, INSEAD

In this workshop, we will explore how businesses can concurrently pursue societal and commercial goals through an immersive virtual reality experience around a CSR program – AAK’s Kolo Nafaso program for better shea sourcing. The virtual reality experience will send participants to rural Ghana, where shea collectors (women earning <$1.00/day) live and work, and put them in the perspective of AAK, the largest buyer of raw shea in the world. Participants will be invited to 1) identify the challenges the shea collectors face, 2) explore how the CSR program impacts the shea collectors’ lives, and 3) suggest how to scale the program beyond the limits of the CSR budget.  The core dilemma explored will be:  How can a company like AAK move from CSR projects to sustainable supply chain models? How can they utilize ESG requirements to create sustainable impact at scale at origin?

Wednesday January 17

 15:30 - 17:00 PM

 SDG Tent, Ocean Room, Promenade 139, Davos, Switzerland 

 Registration Live Stream

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Session #1 with INSEAD participation

Responsible Business Education  

Moderated by Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times, UK

With Francisco Veloso, Dean, INSEAD, France; Maria Castillo, Director for Social and Environmental Impact, IESEG School of Management, France; David Even, Founder, Primal Soles, The Netherlands; David Pitt-Watson, Visiting Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School, UK; Severin Schwan, Chairman of the Board, Roche, Switzerland; Anna Stünzi, Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland.

Business schools find themselves at a critical juncture, possessing both a remarkable opportunity and a moral obligation to cultivate leaders with a strong sense of social responsibility. Increasingly, students, employers, and faculty are urging these institutions to elevate their commitment to responsible business education across teaching, research, and operations. Criticism is mounting against curriculum content that adheres to the 'shareholder primacy' model and the pursuit of short-term returns rather than the long-term strategies needed to address issues such as inequality or climate change.

This discussion identifying the key levers to make responsible business education the new norm will be followed by the FT Sustainability Award Ceremony.

Monday January 15

 15:30 - 17:00 PM

 SDG Tent, Earth Room, Promenade 139, Davos, Switzerland 


Session #2 with INSEAD participation

The Growing Case for Responsible Business Education  

Moderated by Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times,

With André Hoffmann, Vice Chairman, Roche & Co-Founder, InTent;  Subi Rangan, Professor of Strategy and Management, The Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Endowed Chair in Societal Progress, INSEAD; Ellen Quigley, Principal Research Associate, Co-Director of Finance for Environmental and Social Systemic Change and Special Adviser (Responsible Investment) to the Chief Financial Officer, University of Cambridge; Rita Steele, Global Shaper, Vancouver Hub, Simon Fraser University.

Many business schools are shifting their programmes to respond to global issues such as geopolitical conflict, de-globalisation, mineral scarcity and the climate crisis. This is a reflection of how important these issues are for business leaders. Traditionally, business education is rooted in a model approach with technical solutions, but should a new approach be considered to complement and assist in giving students the tools to solve the problems of today’s business landscape? How can schools strike the balance between traditional models as well as teaching and fostering leaders who value emotional intelligence and are concerned with the societal and environmental impact of their decisions?

This webinar, hosted by the Financial Times in partnership with InTent, will showcase the Responsible Business Awards 2024 winners, highlighting the exceptional work of teachers, researchers and students around social purpose. It will also examine practical, measurable examples and strategies to fortify responsible business practices while preparing for uncertainty as the standard.

Wednesday January 17

 13:00 - 13:50 CET Webinar 

 Webinar Registration  

Practical Information

Disclaimer: registration and access to the SDG Tent does not give access to the World Economic Forum. The SDG Tent is outside the World Economic Forum security zone in Davos.

Disclaimer: registration and access to the SDG Tent does not give access to the World Economic Forum. The SDG Tent is outside the World Economic Forum security zone in Davos.

Our Partner

Created in 2019, the InTent is an umbrella organisation, coordinating and connecting projects in which Mr André Hoffmann is involved, specifically at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in January each year. Daily management of these projects is overseen by InTent' various partners, such as the Luc Hoffmann Institute, UHCS, and INSEAD’s Hoffmann Global Institute for Business and Society.

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Created in 2019, the InTent is an umbrella organisation, coordinating and connecting projects in which Mr André Hoffmann is involved, specifically at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in January each year. Daily management of these projects is overseen by InTent' various partners, such as the Luc Hoffmann Institute, UHCS, and INSEAD’s Hoffmann Global Institute for Business and Society.

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