Stephanie Lin is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at INSEAD. Her research examines how consumers maintain an image of themselves as good and virtuous in everyday life. People often wish to engage in virtuous behaviors, such as eating healthy, saving money, and supporting worthy causes, and feel negatively about themselves when they engage in more viceful or sinful behaviors, such as eating unhealthy food, overspending, or saying “no” when asked to donate. Stephanie examines the psychological processes and behaviors that allow consumers see themselves as good and virtuous even as they are tempted by these viceful desires.
Stephanie received her Ph.D. in Marketing with a Ph.D. minor in Psychology from Stanford University. Prior to joining INSEAD, she was an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Singapore Management University, where she taught Consumer Behavior. In a previous life, she was a teacher at Phillips Exeter Academy. Stephanie’s work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology and the Journal of Consumer Psychology.