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Faculty & Research


Sangwon Han

Post Doctoral Research Fellow


Additional Information
Research Areas
  • Social Networks
  • Culture and Cognition
  • Computational Social Sciences


Sang Won Han is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at INSEAD’s Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise area.

Dr. Han’s research interests include social networks, culture and cognition, and computational social sciences, and he specifically examines the cultural and cognitive processes and patterns that can be observed in individuals, organizations, objects, and relationships so that he can explain how social actors assign meanings to events, objects, or groups, as well as how they interpret and live through such meanings themselves by analytically capturing and translating the patterned interpretations into empirically measurable forms.

He received his Ph.D. in Sociology at Columbia University, and B.A. in Sociology and B.S. in Statistics at Korea University, and his recent research has appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly.