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Executive Education

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AVIRA: Awareness, Vision, Imagination, Role, Action

AVIRA provides a forum for leaders at the top of organisations to learn, reflect, and grow. You will explore and discuss the characteristics of effective top executives.

Upcoming Sessions
5 days

INSEAD AVIRA: Awareness, Vision, Imagination, Role, Action

Transform your organisation, your world, your self

Today, leaders must operate in a world characterised by greater uncertainty about the future, a trust deficit and opposing economic patterns – constituted by static and worrisome trends in the established economies and dynamic trends in the emerging economies.

This challenging environment notwithstanding, senior leaders are responsible for the performance and health of their organisations – especially in terms of developing and deepening talent and their own learning, reflection and growth. 

AVIRA: Awareness, Vision, Imagination, Role, Action is a unique invitation to set aside the urgent to consider the important. It provides a forum for you to learn, reflect and grow. Facilitated by experienced session leaders, you will explore and discuss the characteristics of effective top executives and high-performance organisations.

Our Participant Profile

This programme is designed for top executives who hold significant responsibility and who are grappling with dilemmas of organisational and personal transformation. Typical participants include CEOs, managing directors, C-suite executives, executive vice-presidents, board members and chairpersons.

How You Benefit


Discuss and understand where the world is coming from, where it seems headed and what the implications might be for your leadership and organisation.


Appreciate and learn the habits of effective leaders and the practices of high-performance organisations.


Reflect on your organisation's performance, your role and your influence – and depart with a concrete personal action plan for you to lead and deliver more effectively.


Hone your judgement and fine-tune your decision instincts.

Certificate This programme qualifies for the INSEAD Certificate in Global Management.

Programme Director

In Focus

Dates and Fees

Investing for a lifelong learning journey at INSEAD

Discount and Financing

30% Off

For INSEAD Alumni Community

Financial Aid

For French companies based in France
5 days

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