Executive Education IN Focus
Gain insight into INSEAD Executive Education through our collection of thought-provoking and informative webinars, podcasts, videos, articles and case studies. Curated to inspire, engage and connect our global community of faculty, participants, partners and staff.

Sustainability: A unique business disruptor
Sustainability: A unique business disruptor
Atalay Atasu, Professor of Technology and Operations Management, talks about the sustainability paradigm including 3 key operational tools for implementing a sustainability strategy within organisations.
Sustainability: A unique business disruptor
Nenad Dulanovic
Sales Director
Leading AI and Digital Transformation: It was the wind in my back
INSEAD has given me pause for deep thought and reflection on the importance of our customers and in the need to prioritise them in the context of change,” says Dulanovic. Beyond that, this programme is an affirmation of the ideas and the motivation that I brought. It has given me the insights, the connections, the knowledge and the wind on my back to lead the change that we need to make.
Nenad Dulanovic
Sales Director
Leading AI and Digital Transformation