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Faculty & Research


Kamil Stronski

Post Doctoral Research Fellow


Additional Information
Research Areas
  • CEOs and Top Management Teams
  • CEO Social Embeddedness
  • Corporate Governance


Kamil Stronski is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Organizational Behaviour Area at INSEAD. He works with Kaisa Snellman on research projects related to workplace inequality.

Kamil’s research lies at the intersection of strategy and organizational theory. Specifically, he is interested in exploring how CEOs’ distinct social embeddedness impacts various firm decisions. This includes research on how CEO career horizon – the time that CEOs have until retirement – impacts employee wages, and how the nature of CEOs’ residential community alters their risk perception, subsequently affecting their firms’ likelihood to innovate. Kamil adopts mixed methods in his research designs, employing quantitative analysis of archival data and qualitative evidence from interviews with top managers.

He received his Ph.D. in Strategy (summa cum laude) at ESMT Berlin. He also holds an M.A. and B.A. in Economics from the Warsaw School of Economics.