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Handbook for New Institutional Economics

Anderson E., Gatignon H. (2005). 
Firms and the Creation of New Markets.
 Handbook for New Institutional Economics (pp. 401-431). Springer.
Book Chapter
New markets do not emerge, nor do they appear. They are made by the activities of firms. New markets are created when firms correctly sense (by accident or by design) a latent need, and communicate their solution to that need: markets spring into being when economic actors shift resources to that firm’s solution. The most visible way to create a new market is to offer a product/service that is novel, thereby addressing needs that were not met (and perhaps not even sensed). Much of this chapter focuses on firms' efforts to develop and commercialize new offerings, and on how buyers respond, thereby creating new markets. However, new markets are also created when firms cultivate an underserved clientele with established products. Much of marketing is about how to bring new customers into a developed industry (as opposed to rearranging market shares among existing customers). This chapter also highlights these market-creation activities.

Emeritus Professor of Marketing